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立体声耳机和立体声。Stereo headphones and stereos.

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他们都带上耳机。They've got the headphones on.

如果你必须做,,就打开头戴的耳机。If you have to, put on headphones.

火星人的耳机已经造出来了。The Martian headphones are already made.

所有你需要的是TGM和一副耳机。All you need is TGM and a pair of headphones.

他把一副耳机呆在两边耳朵上。He clamped a pair of headphones over his ears.

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绕耳机线时,留点松弛部分。Leave a bit of slack when wrapping your headphones.

然后根据你的耳机再建立二房、解码系统。Then build your amp and DAC to match the headphones.

该设备类似于降噪耳机。The device is similar to noise cancelling headphones.

感谢每一次新的挑衅。Be thankful for each new challenge, dr dre headphones.

他们在乎的是自己大量的耳机收藏。They cared about their large collections of headphones.

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没问题,这是给您的耳机,您想要喝点什么吗?Here are your headphones. Do you want something to drink?

她会在同事吃东西时戴上耳机听音乐。Instead, she puts on her headphones and listens to music.

他总是眉头紧蹙,戴着耳机。He always has a furrowed brow. He always has headphones on.

研究没有测试较大的或消噪声式耳机。The study did not test larger or noise-canceling headphones.

那么,秘诀1.在喧闹的宿舍里带上你的耳机,“忽视”你那些烦人的舍友。So put on some headphones and ignore your annoying roommates.

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检查是否接插着耳机。如果是,即将其拆卸下来。Check if headphones are connected. If they re, disconnect them.

带嵌入式闹铃的耳机早上会唤醒你。Headphones with built-in alarm will wake you up in the morning.

这副耳机快速、动感、挖掘出丰富的声音细节。These headphones are fast, dynamic and dig up plenty of detail.