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查询或更新数据库。Interrogate or update a database.

审判人员可以讯问被告人。The judges may interrogate the defendant.

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梅森决定亲自审问彭蒂科夫。Mason decides to interrogate Penticoff himself.

杨红旗走后,米婶开始审问丽莎。Neither hong-qi Yang, m began to interrogate lisa.

我们可以用心理分析的方法询问作者。We could interrogate the author psychoanalytically.

律师费两个小时的时间讯问证人。The lawyer took two hours to interrogate the witness.

律师们花了两个小时的时间讯问证人。The lawyers took two hours to interrogate the witness.

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他们只是试图给我们洗脑或是询问我们。They just tried to brainwash us and to interrogate us.

警察花了很长时间对人犯进行了详细的审问。The police took a long time to interrogate the offenders fully.

我的同事开始,呃,开始,对他哥哥的询问更强硬。My partner began to, uh, interrogate the brother more coercively.

当然,你不要弄得像是在审问面试官一样,而要狡猾一点。Ask for details. You don't need to interrogate the interviewer, though.

杰克的声音柔和却毫无回旋余地,“至少得先让我们审问他。”Jack's voice was soft but tight. "At least not until we interrogate him."

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但是,留置盘问与拘传在性质上是不同的。But, leaving buy interrogate and arrest to be passed on property is different.

高木发现渔夫冒充学生,还让人继续审问。Azusa fisherman posing as students, but also let people continue to interrogate.

在面对外界的诸多质询后,开始拷问自己的内心只是很自然的事情。After so much interrogation by others, it's only natural to begin to interrogate yourself.

迪沙佛接到上级的电话,批准了杰克审讯维克托。DeSalvo gets a call from his superiors giving Jack permission to interrogate the prisoner.

密码策略的组成部分之一是检查密码到期日期和访问限制。One part of a password policy is to interrogate password expiry and restriction for review.

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在回宾馆的小巴上,他坐到我旁边,审问开始了。Then, sitting next to me on the mini-bus ride back to the hotel, he began to interrogate me.

急于知道失踪的利查尔王子下落的里夫·塔姆森准备审问他的俘虏。Riff Tamson, eager to locate the missing Prince Lee-Char, prepares to interrogate his captives.

第六十五条公安机关对于被拘留的人,应当在拘留后的二十四小时以内进行讯问。Article 65 A public security organ shall interrogate a detainee within 24 hours after detention.