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雷克雅未克现在是很多环游世界者的新宠。Reykjavik is trendy with a lot of globetrotters nowadays.

在雷克雅未克最好的比萨饼比萨的地方,显然是国王。The best pizza place in Reykjavík is obviously Pizza King.

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电音雷克雅未克是关于音乐革命的音乐纪录片。Electronica Reykjavik is the story of a revolution in music.

连接首都雷克雅末和塞尔福斯市的道路交通已因地震破坏而中断。The road between capital Reykjavik and Selfoss was closed by quake damage.

雷克雅未克的一些编辑说他们之所以忽略这个话题,是想完全尊重塞格达杜迪的隐私权。Some editors in Reykjavik say they ignored it torespect Sigurdardottir's privacy.

这一威胁很可能会一直存在下去,直至明年的雷克雅未克会议。The threat is likely to remain in abeyance until next year's meeting in Reykjavik.

他和家人在雷克雅维克过得舒舒服服,还能到国外度假。He has built a comfortable life in Reykjavik with his family. They vacation abroad.

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雷克雅未克于874年,1786年正式建城,1801年为丹麦统治当局所在地。Reykjavik in 874 years, 1786 formal construction for the Danish rule, 1801 located.

在英国的冰岛连锁店和卡伦米伦连锁店都用来自雷克雅未克的资金经营的。The Iceland and Karen Millen retail chains in the UK are run with capital from Reykjavik.

在雷克雅未克,荷兰队以二比一战胜冰岛队后成为第一支欧洲决赛胜出的球队。Then the Netherlands becomes the first European finalist by beating Iceland 2-1 in Reykjavik.

亨吉德山靠近冰岛首都雷克雅末克,这里因其地热区和生动的色彩而闻名。Hengill mountain is close to Reykjavik and is famous for its geothermal areas and vivid colours.

海军情报部同样预计拥有70名武装警察的雷克雅未克当地警方会抵抗。The NID also expected resistance from the Reykjavík police, consisting of some 70 men under arms.

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雷克雅未克是全国政治、商业、工业和文化中心以及重要渔港。Reykjavik is a national political, business, industry and culture center, and major fishing ports.

1964年的今天,我们在安菲尔德打了第一场欧洲比赛,对手是冰岛的雷克雅未克队。On this day in 1964 we played our first game at Anfield in Europe against Icelandic outfit Reykjavik.

就我现在所在的城市——冰岛的雷克雅维克来说,中国人搞组装式建筑可是一点儿都不靠谱。In my current city Reykjavik Iceland Chinese are building by part but it is not staying correct at all.

在首都雷克雅未克,冰岛议会正在讨论一项旨在宣布普通商店售烟非法的议案,只有药店才被允许销售香烟。The parliament in Reykjavik is to debate a proposal that would outlaw the sale of cigarettes in normal shops.

这家古色古香的酒店位于雷克雅未克中心,坐落在迷人的老区的一条安静的街道上。This friendly guest house is located in a quiet neighborhood just a few minutes walk from Reykjavik city centre.

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登上公共汽车后,我们才意识到阿克雷里和雷克雅未克之间只有几个站的距离。It was only after getting on the bus that we realized there would be several stops between Reykjavik and Akureyri.

1904年,丹麦承认冰岛内部自治,雷克雅未克成为自治政府所在地。Authorities In 1904, Denmark admit Iceland internal self-government, reykjavik become autonomous seat of government.

冰岛和中国实在是相距遥远,我们乘飞机经停哥本哈根化了近14小时才到达雷克雅未克。Iceland is really far away from China. We spent about 14 hours by air and stopover in Copenhagen to reach Reykjavik.