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她被描绘成了一位女英雄。She is ticketed as a heroine.

那位女演员扮演女主角。The actress acts the part of the heroine.

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当他们叫她为巾帼英雄时她脸红了。She blushed when they called her a heroine.

他同情小说中的女主人公。He identifies with the heroine of the novel.

女警察成了弗雷德眼里的女英雄。The policewoman was a heroine in Freds eyes.

这出戏的女主角可真节烈。The heroine of the play is rigorously chaste.

女警察成了弗雷德眼里的女英雄。The policewoman was a heroine in Fred s eyes.

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听说女主角是由简·方达担任。They say the heroine is played by Jane Fonda.

潘金莲是一个有争议的女性形象。Pan Jinlian is a controversial literary heroine.

红色的唇膏可以转化为一个纯简迷人的女主角。Can turn to red lipstick heroine witch " simple."

故事从女主人公的死继续向下展开。The story follows on from the death of the heroine.

没错。他们说是简?芳达主演的。You bet. They say the heroine is played by Jan Fonda.

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同原著一样,女主角在故事一开始就死亡了。True to the novel, our heroine is dead from the outset.

她是写萨卡贾韦亚,一个真实生活的女主人公。And she is writing about Sacajawea, a true-life heroine.

通过这几年我的亲生母亲已经成为我心目中的女英雄。Through the years my birth mother had become my heroine.

女主人公长得很高,身材苗条,皮肤洁白。The heroine was a tall, slim blonde with lily-white skin.

不仅仅是梅尔的女主角发现了沃尔泰拉的令人生畏。It is not only Meyer's heroine who found Volterra daunting.

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我们的女英雄肚子上被划了两刀。Our heroine specifically took two deep ones to the abdomen.

秋瑾自号鉴湖女侠,她是个充满爱心的人。Qiu Jin, the heroine of Jianhu Lake, is a lady of great love.

我们不需要一个女主人公重新看这些古老的故事了。We do not need a Heroine to re-watch these old stories again.