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首先,我们得明确一点Let's make one point very clear at the outset.

因此,让我在讲话一开始就说明一点。So let me say at this at outset of my remarks.

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从一开始,英格兰人的入侵就注定了失败。The English incursion was doomed from the outset.

请允许我首先向两位共同主席致意。Let me acknowledge the co-chairs at the outset here.

该部分为后续研究开宗明义。That part of the follow-up study stated at the outset.

戏剧一开始时,安蒂冈妮的立场为何?What is Antigone's position at the outset of the play?

同原著一样,女主角在故事一开始就死亡了。True to the novel, our heroine is dead from the outset.

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夏商时期,是中国早期国家的开端。Xia-Shang Period is the outset of Chinese early country.

因此,俄狄浦斯在一开始便不知不觉地顺从了命运。Thus, CEdipus at the outset obeys fate without knowing it.

所以,奥狄柏斯毫无所觉地服从命运。Thus, Oedipus at the outset obeys fate without knowing it.

然而这使得项目从一开始就比较复杂。However, that made the project more complex from the outset.

请在开始时,如果股票被兜售都受到限制。Ask at the outset if the stocks being peddles are restricted.

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马英九还要求从“外交休兵”开始。Mr Ma has also called from the outset for a "diplomatic truce".

谁制造了商机,而商机又有多大,这在刚开始之初都并不确定。Who makes money and how much is not always clear at the outset.

一开始他对事业充满了信心,但现在不再是这样了。At the outset of his career he was full of optimism but not now.

始十分乐观,但现在已今非昔比了。At the outset of her career she was full of optimism but not now.

一开始,他就对自己的敌人没有一丝怜悯。He showed no compunction about offing his enemies from the outset.

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我确信,这本诗集开始的许多诗篇都是没有价值的。Many a page at the outset of this Book, I am sure, is of no value.

打从一开始我就该诅咒那个小混帐一直到下周为止。I would have cursed the little fucker into next week from the outset.

在开始时每个入选无性系必须包括几个无性繁殖后代。At the outset they must contain several ramets of every selected clone.