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这世界一切都是疯狂的。The world is all going cockeyed.

谁以为我说着玩谁就是疯了。Anybody who thinks Im kidding is cockeyed.

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父母视线不正,孩子也变斜眼。When the parents squint the children become cockeyed.

她还幻想着自己能成为流行歌星。She has some cockeyed delusions about becoming a pop star.

它没有立刻下沉,只是以歪斜的角度浮著。It did not sink immediately, but floated at a cockeyed angle.

整个宇宙疯狂而荒唐,极其怪异。The whole universe was crazy and cockeyed and extremely strange.

然而,作为该系列电影中最讨人喜欢的角色,装傻充愣的希德是本片中最大亮点。However, cockeyed Sid, the series' most likable character, is a high point of the film.

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我认为,就是这种接受了现实的态度,使我产生了竞选国家参议员这个十分大胆的想法。And it was this acceptance, I think, that allowed me to come up with the thoroughly cockeyed idea of running for the United States Senate.

这次没经过沟通,众人又像群鸟乍起,再次拉起飞机。Again it approaches cockeyed. The mob decides in unison, without lateral communication, like a flock of birds taking off, to pull up once more.

大口袋牛仔裤,无袖T恤衫以及斜斜的帽子只是将那些爱人的能力超过社会期望的男人隐藏起来。That the baggy jeans, sleeveless t-shirt and cockeyed hat only hid a man whose ability to love surpassed the expectations of the society today.

最近的怪天气使得这个秋冬寒意全无,就连英格兰西南部的大型植物园“伊甸园”中的水仙花仍然在争奇斗艳,还有其他种种现象表明冬天的脚步还没到来。Daffodils are blooming outside the Eden Project in Cornwall in the latest cockeyed weather phenomenon to hit the UK and amid signs that winter is still not on its way.

这辆车挡风玻璃破碎,两个轮胎丢失、前保险杠下垂、格子窗倾斜、引擎罩被撞斜、全车上下丁零当啷响。It had a shattered windshield, two missing tires, a sagging front bumper, a cockeyed grille, a hood that was sprung up at an angle, and dings and dents all over the body.

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在属于“不能发动”这一类里有一辆车,挡风玻璃粉碎、缺两个轮胎、前保险杠下垂、散热器扭向一边、发动机罩向上弹出一个角度、车身布满大大小小的坑。One car in the block of"No Start"had a shattered windshield, two missing tires, a sagging front bumper, a cockeyed grille, a hood that was sprung up at an angle, and dings and dents all over the body.