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我是一个刽子手。I am a hangman.

他骗过了刽子手。He cheated the hangman.

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他们称他为绞刑吏。They call him the hangman.

绞刑吏是怎么结婚的?。How did the hangman get married?

据报道以前的刽子手已于2005年离职。The previous hangman reportedly quit in 2005.

你和你的未婚妻将面临刽子手的套索。You and your fiancee face the hangman 's noose.

另外一些人询问关于当一个刽子手需要什么资格证书等更多的有关细节。Others asked for more details on what qualifications were needed to be a hangman.

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行刑之后发生了强烈的暴风雨,而执行此刑的人两周后亦死去。There was a violent storm after the hangings and the hangman died a fortnight later.

刽子手用斧子砸断这个农民的四肢,把他的全身切成碎片,最后砍下他的头!The hangman cut the poor farmer's hands and legs, then cut the rest of his body into pieces, finally his head!

这里阳光灿烂、道路陡峭,连接一段又一段高度的,是已经残破的一段又一段石头阶梯——这就是刽子手山。It's sunny, very steep, leaping to each of its levels with flights of worn stone steps. This is Hangman 's Hill.

如果我是一个挖墓的,甚至是一个刽子手,我非常乐意为某些人工作。If I were a grave-digger, or even a hangman , there are some people I could work for with a great deal of enjoyment.

但这也有门道,如果绳子太长犯人的重量可能会把绳子拉断,对于一个专业的刽子手来说,没有比这更丢脸的了。It had to be tailored to the victim'sweight, however, as too great a force could rip the head clean off, aprofessionally embarrassing outcome for the hangman.

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在尸体的头上,竟坐着那只丑恶的猫,张着血盆大口,一只眼睛放着火一样的光。它狡猾地诱使我杀了自己的妻子,又用叫声把我送到刽子手手中。Upon its head, with red extended mouth and solitary eye of fire, sat the hideous beast whose craft had seduced me into murder, and whose informing voice had consigned me to the hangman.

调查还显示在25个最流行的应用中,有12个是游戏,包括一些在Internet上被证实过确实经典的版本如"猜单词"和"吃豆子"。It also revealed that 12 of the top 25 most popular applications were games, including versions of classics such as Hangman and Pacman, while social networking applications proved popular.

报纸写道,作为奇库鲁比监狱刽子手岗位的工作说明,包括“灵巧,打绞索绳结的能力,冷酷的心,可是容易产生怜悯或心存犹豫的人不适宜去申请。The paper wrote that a job description for the post of Chikurubi prison hangman included, “dexterity, ability to tie a knot, hard heart and anyone prone to mercy or hesitation need not apply.

报纸写道,作为奇库鲁比监狱刽子手岗位的工作说明,包括“灵巧,打绞索绳结的能力,冷酷的心,可是容易产生怜悯或心存犹豫的人不适宜去申请。The paper wrote that a job description for the post of Chikurubi prison hangman included, "dexterity, ability to tie a knot, hard heart and anyone prone to mercy or hesitation need not apply."

报纸写道,作为奇库鲁比监狱刽子手岗位的工作说明,包括“灵巧,打绞索绳结的能力,冷酷的心,可是容易产生怜悯或心存犹豫的人不适宜去申请。The paper wrote that a job description for the post of Chikurubi prison hangman included, “dexterity, ability to tie a knot, hard heart and anyone prone to mercy or hesitation need not apply.”