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第一个答案是亲缘选择。One answer is kin selection.

我认为自由和权威是有联系的。I feel freedom and authority are kin.

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我们在摩瑞亚失去一个…两个是我的亲戚。One we lost in Moria . Two were my kin.

向你和你的家人带来好消息。Good tiding we bring to you and your kin.

我的计划就是派苔丝去认这门亲戚。And my projick is to send Tess to claim kin.

于是,阿金成了店里的一个伙计。Then Ah Kin became a young clerk in the shop.

本人曾经和杜老有过几次交谈。Kin Woon and I have had several conversations.

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她有时说她跟吉泽斯什么亲属关系也没有。Sometimes she said she wasn't any kin to Jesus.

过了一阵子,邻居和亲属们也就不再拦着她了。After a while neighbors and kin just let her hoe.

柳芭可以帮助科学家重新创造出长毛象这一灭绝的物种吗?Could Lyuba help scientists recreate her lost kin?

同时她也试图从她的朋友和亲戚那里寻求帮助。She also appealed to her friends and kin for help.

这种化学性是和砒霜类似的。Don’t forget it is also kin to arsenic, chemically.

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褚时健被判后减刑为有期徒刑17年。When Chu Kin was commuted to prison after 17 years.

你是大雾山威尔逊的什么亲戚吗?You any kin to the Wilsons over on Balsum Mountain?

本人曾经和杜老有过几次交谈。Dr Toh Kin Woon and I have had several conversations.

我也曾与几位侨美宗亲谈过上网的事。I discussed with a few kin members about the website.

然后我会讲对非亲人的利他主义。And then we'll move towards altruism, towards non kin.

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这样的争吵甚至会在自己的亲戚和朋友之间发生。Such quarrels take place even among one's own kith and kin.

向日葵羞于把无名的花朵看作它的同胞。太阳升上来了,向它微笑,说道。The sunflower blushed to own the nameless flower as her kin.

很穷的寡妇和她的儿子阿金住在一座小村庄里。A very poor widow lived in a village with her only son, Ah Kin.