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至年底,该处处理的案件数量达1174宗。The department's caseload was 1174 at the end of the year.

这个MODL代表了这批个案的过渡安排。This MODL represents a transitional arrangement for that caseload.

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由于案件量小,不足以设立专责审裁处提供充份的理据。The small caseload does not justify the establishment of a specialized tribunal.

然而,明显地,越来越多的实验室处理工作量随着时间的推移成为设施设计师的挑战。Clearly, however, the increasing caseload experienced by labs over time has challenged facility designers.

许多大的州根据人口、地理以及待处理案件数量等因素划分为两个、三个甚至四个司法管辖区。Many larger states are divided into two, three or even four judicial districts, depending on population, geography and caseload.

如果是划分的责任,搭档双方必须清晰自己的案件数量或项目来专注于他的工作时间。If it's divided responsibility, each partner has to be clear about his own caseload or project to focus on during his working hours.

尽管在今天,美国第38州有400多个H1N1病例,但这个待处理案件的数量太少以至于不能在google的搜索雷达上注册。Even today, with more than 400 cases of H1N1 now confirmed in 38 U.S. states, the caseload is too small to register on Google's radar.

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案件数量——由于此时司法系统对这门科学的不熟悉,要求进行DNA分析的案件,没有在一个高的需求上。Caseload – Due to the judicial system's unfamiliarity with the science at this time, requests for DNA analysis were not in high demand.

实验过程不随案件的增加发生改变,基础设施也不随实验功能的中断进行修正。Lab process changes without caseload relief require a utility infrastructure that can be modified without interruption to the lab function.

它的工作量主要包括根据美国统一军法典之规定涉及军人因不良行为而勒令退伍或是判刑入狱的案件。Its caseload consists mainly of cases involving military personnel discharged for bad conduct or sentenced to prison under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

如果这一模型为了实际的执行而转换,花费大量的时间来构建一个精确的工作者和用例负载的模型,可能得不到任何东西。Spending a tremendous amount of time building a precise model of the workers and the caseload may be for nothing if the model is transformed for actual execution.

案例数量——司法系统开始看到DNA证据处理的好处,对分析的要求开始增加。关于过去案件的问题也开始出现。Caseload – The judicial system began to see the benefits of DNA evidence processing and requests for analysis started to increase. Questions regarding past cases also were beginning to emerge.