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你的记性真不赖。You have a photographic memory.

我还有照片为证。Well, I have photographic proof.

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他在摄影室里工作。He works in a photographic studio.

她对细节有照相机般的记忆。She has a photographic memory for detail.

你好,我们是楔石摄影怪兵器!Hello, We are Keystone photographic equipment!

乌尔夫的摄影使命是多层面的。Wolfe's photographic mission is multi-faceted.

感光纸对光线非常敏感。Photographic paper is highly sensitive to light.

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光密度计用在复制照片的过程中。Densitometers are used in photographic reproduction.

用有机材质、砖瓦和摄影作品做背景Organic textures, tiles and photographic backgrounds

您是否沙巴影艺协会会员?Are you a member of Sabah Art and Photographic Society?

照片必须是优质的相纸。Photographs must be on good-quality photographic paper.

他把底片放到显影液中。He puts the photographic film in the developing solution.

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他在幻灯片中采用了高质量的图片,设计了震撼的视觉效果来烘托Gore本人和他的演讲内容。His slide images are photographic imagery of high quality.

中义湿板照相法所产生的相片板。A photographic plate produced by the wet collodion process.

装这种胶卷的时候需要在一个暗袋里或者暗室里进行。The development of photographic films requires a dark-room.

照片的洗印质量会随着时间的推移而下降。The quality of a photographic reproduction decreases with time.

此外还有其它种类的专业照相测光表。There are other types of specialized photographic light meters.

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我参加摄影社,让我的摄影技术精进。To improve my photographic skills, I joined a photography club.

彩色透明片带有全部色彩的阳图菲林。Colour transparency A full colour photographic positive on film.

它是摄影有史以来最早出版的图集之一。It marked one of the earliest photographic series ever published.