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人们蜂拥着前去一睹国王的雄姿。To move or go as a throng.

人群中发出了一阵窃笑。Some of the throng sniggered.

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人们蜂拥着前去一睹国王的雄姿。The people throng to see the king.

一群小学生涌出来跑到大街上。A throng of pupils issued out into the street.

广场上有一大群欢呼雷动的人群。On the square there was a wildly cheering throng.

欢腾的人群宛如大海的波涛。The jubilant throng is like the waves of the sea.

往日的回忆使已麻木的各种感觉一同涌上心头。The recollection loosened a throng of benumbed sensations.

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无论什么时候,满眼看到的都是人,数不清的拥挤人群。Whenever you look, it's people, an innumerable throng of people.

而纷至沓来的人际关系纠结,令我心生恐惧。And come in a throng relationship tangled, taught my heart to fear.

我们必须从等着看球星的大群球迷中挤过去。We had to rake through a throng of ball fans waiting to see the star.

“借过,”骑士在他的马挤过人群时低声咆哮。"Make way, " the knight growled as his horse pushed through the throng.

穿过广场,他们加入了红庙外不断增长的人群。Across the square they joined the growing throng outside the red temple.

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一时间,他觉得自己真是个懦夫,平定了情绪之后他又回到了人群之中。Though he felt like a coward, he fell back into the middle of the throng.

第一个见到的人可以抓住群众的共同趋势并牵着他们跟他一道走。The first comer seizes a current of the throng and leads it whither he wills.

舒一口气的队友们在沃特福德的半场中间,纷纷蜂拥而至扑向他。Relieved team-mates flung themselves on him in team throng halfway inside Watford's half.

也许通常你喜欢单独一人工作,但是现在你更想把自己淹没在人群中。Perhaps you normally prefer to work alone, but now want to immerse yourself in the throng.

但是,大部分来自喧嚣以外的一个记者在家中图森Loughner人群。But most of the bustle came from a throng of reporters outside the Loughner home in Tucson.

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他俩站在急速稀少下去的牺牲者群中,但是他俩旁若无人地说话。The two stand in the fast-thinning throng of victims, but they speak as if they were alone.

但通过实地调查,我们发现我省民族教育仍然存在着一些特殊困难和问题。But throng a research on-the-spot, we find still have many special difficulties and problems.

地图室里举行的仪式显然不如国会山前的广场上举行的第一次那么壮观。The Map Room ceremony was less grand than the original one in front of the throng on theMall.