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一只狮鬃水母正在棕藻叶上休憩。A lion's mane jellyfish nestled in a kelp frond.

那条路在车子的前面和后面伸展着。The road stretches in frond of and behind the car.

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这名士兵在大门前来回地走。The guard walked back and forth in the frond of gate.

星星草下静静流淌着的是清清的河水。The still waters of the water under a frond of stars.

学校的大楼前面有一个要饭的。There is a beggar in frond of the building in the school.

还可以用棕榈叶,玉米秆或玻璃纤维将树木包裹起来。You can also wrap a tree in palm tree frond leaves, cornstalks or fiberglass.

摄于澳大利亚布里斯班河旁,这是在用木板铺成的小道旁边的蕨类植物上的晨露。Morning dew on a frond by the boardwalk next to the Brisbane River, Australia.

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两个细胞分别成为叶片和假根的祖细胞。The apical cell and basal cell act as the ancestor cells of frond and rhizoid.

拳卷的,旋卷的卷成线圈样式,其尖端在中间的,如未展开的蕨叶的。Rolled up in the form of a coil with the tip in the center as an unexpanded fern frond.

羊齿卷牙一种羊齿植物幼苗的卷牙,有些做出来味道鲜美。The coiled young frond of any of various ferns, some of which are considered a delicacy when cooked.

面前的妇人与这少年,居然身着一千年前大宋朝衣冠!The women and the man in frond of me whom are wore the cloth in the Song dynasty before one thousand years.

地板上有一片棕榈叶,我突发奇想用这叶子骚挠菊花肯定会特爽。There was a palm frond on the floor, and it struck me that the frond would feel very nice tickling my anus.

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SO2的大气污染使植物生活环境发生了改变,植物体也产生了相应的反应。SO2 air pollution not only changes plants environment but also makes the frond cause corresponding reaction.

单盒内可装多品种、多规格不同物品。线,后端与捆扎、三维热收缩设备联线。Pouch, Blister, Pilllow can connect in frond of this cartoning machine and pack, hot shrink can connect behind.

水中的止水藏于点点繁星之中。你口中的止水藏于千万个吻之中。The still waters of the water under a frond of stars. The still waters of your mouth under a thicket of kisses.

植物体和土壤中的铁与其它营养盐一样都是限制植物生产力的重要因素。In the frond and soil, iron, like other major nutrients, is also animportant factor limiting the growth of frond.

还可以用棕榈叶,玉米秆或玻璃纤维将树木包裹起来。Heavy ice can form and break them. You can also wrap a tree in palm tree frond leaves, cornstalks or fiberglass.

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微小无根水生植物的一个属,有球形叶,漂浮于水面或生长于水面附近的地方。Minute rootless aquatic herbs having globular fronds floating on or near the water surface and bearing one flower per frond.

她说,一叶鱼翅“就像是半透明的、无味道的面条一样”,而鱼翅汤是“史上最坑爹的食物之一”。A frond of fin, she says, is "a translucent, tasteless bit of noodle" and shark's fin soup "one of the greatest scams of all time".

她在书中写道,鱼翅好比“食之无味、清汤寡水的粉条”,而鱼翅羹根本就是“史上最大的骗局之一”。A frond of fin, she says, is "a translucent, tasteless bit of noodle" and shark's fin soup "one of the greatest scams of all time".