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泰华-如你所见,这非常华丽。Taehwa-As you can see, it's flamboyant.

全苏格兰班底会比较华丽.The all-Scottish cast is more flamboyant.

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华腴发型翻动羽毛。Flamboyant hairstyle is ruffling feathers.

凤凰木燃起的火焰,烧红了半壁天空。Flame burnt with flamboyant reddens half of the sky.

某种程度上,古兹曼也有炫耀的喜好。Guzmán also has something of a taste for the flamboyant.

然而有一天,这个大情圣玩得太过头了。But one day the arch-romantic became a little too flamboyant.

她在提醒着他无法这样壮丽的同她殉葬。She was reminding him he could do nothing so flamboyant as to die with her.

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为了在她的装束上增添些许鲜明的色彩,简围上一条艳丽的围巾。To add a touch of bright color to her outfit, Jane wore a flamboyant scarf.

但是有一天,奢华的罪恶会重新回来,那将挽救古德曼先生和它的城市。But one day flamboyant sin will be back to help Mr Goodman and his city out.

长沙窑是我国唐代著名的彩瓷窑口,产品畅销于海内外。Changsha wares of the Tang Dynasty are well renowned for their flamboyant colors.

你往往被华丽和屡有发生,当谈到事项的心脏。You tend to be flamboyant and melodramatic when it comes to matters of the heart.

首先,是玛丽莲这个大明星——爱在镜头前卖弄炫耀的明星。First, there’s Marilyn the movie star—the flamboyant celebrity who loves the cameras.

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角对我们之中那些更加引人注目的人有一定的吸引力,但我从来都不喜欢角。Horns have a certain appeal to the more flamboyant among us, but I've never liked them.

因为他夸张的舞台表演风格,一直有谣传米卡很可能是同性恋。Because of his flamboyant stage persona, there have been rumours that Mika might be gay.

“帝国”师的海因茨拉梅尔丁和著名的奥托斯科尔泽就在其列。Das Reich 's Heinz Lammerding and the flamboyant Otto Skorzeny were among the lucky few.

肯尼亚的伯哥利亚湖以全自然界最炫目的景观闻名。Lake Bogoria in Kenya boasts one of the most flamboyant spectacles of the natural world.

当然,这是一本漫画书为基础的动作片,所以必须有一个华丽的小人。Of course, it's a comic book-based action film, so there has to be a flamboyant villain.

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然而,没有比他奢华的时尚感更能塑造他多彩的人性了。However, nothing has shaped his colorful reputation more than his flamboyant fashion sense.

圆领,白色纯棉领巾在脖子处打成一个华丽的大领结。The collar was a high band with a white cotton sash tied in a big flamboyant bow at the neck.

“这是华丽的浪费,同时造成灯光污染,”一位受访者表示。"This is flamboyant wastage and creates light pollution," one respondent was quoted as saying.