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我想要一辆大型的私家轿车。I want a big sedan.

她坐着轿子回了家。She went home in sedan chair.

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我想租一部自排的四门房车。I like to rent an automatic sedan.

我们这些散户不就是抬轿的吗?Retail is not our Sedan Chair of it?

辉腾是大众的超级豪华四门轿车。The Phaeton was VW's uberluxe sedan.

声明称殷某驾驶的是一辆吉利轿车。It said Yin was driving a Geely sedan.

从来没有坐轿子上天堂之事。There is no going to the Heaven in a sedan.

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他斜靠在四门的雪弗莱。He leaned against the four-door Chevy sedan.

普通车辆可使用泥路前往油棕园边境。The dirt road is accessible by normal sedan car.

为什么要帮助基金的资本抬轿子呢?Why should we help fund capital Sedan Chair son do?

她泪如泉涌地坐着轿子回家了。She went home in a flood of tears and a sedan chair.

八名男子进行他们的肩膀上花轿。Eight men carried the sedan chair on their shoulders.

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金门队每年均参与慈善抬轿大赛。Gammon team takes part in the annual Sedan Chair Race.

花轿是传统婚礼的核心内容之一。The bridal sedan is the core of the traditional wedding.

还有一种选择到达山顶的是,坐轿子被人抬上山。A person can be carried up the mountain in a sedan chair.

第二天就让张吉安抬着花轿去徐家提亲。Let Zhang Jian carried the sedan to Xu house second days.

同时,保时捷首次在中国推出其新款私家车。Meanwhile, Porsche launched its new sedan in China first.

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这辆四座轿车的发动机是恐怖的6升V字型12缸。This 4-seat sedan is powered by a 6.0-litre V12 behemoth.

说罢,一把拉住冠秀塞进花轿里。Having said, pulling a crown into the sedan chair in show.

Hale和Kellerman的轿车慢慢开到一个僻静的空旷地。Hale and Kellerman’s sedan creeps into a secluded clearing.