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耳聋是可以遗传的。Deafness can be inherited.

耳聋是有关耳聋的一些问题。And the issues with deafness.

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听力障碍和耳聋的病因Causes of hearing impairment and deafness

噢。耳背也有它的好处,你知道。Oh. Deafness has its advantages, you know.

这种现象被称作是“无意失聪”。The phenomenon is known as "inattentional deafness".

失聪使得他比从前更孤独,更不爱说话。His deafness made him lonelier and quieter than before.

我这里想说的是另一件事——And I want to mention one other thing. I mentioned deafness.

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也许神经性耳聋最常见的原因是青年性耳聋。Perhaps the most common cause of nerve deafness is presbycusis.

目的探讨氨基糖苷类抗生素致聋的原因。Objective To analyze the reason of deafness caused by Aminoglycosides.

耳聋是指一只或两只耳朵的听力完全丧失。Deafness refers to the complete loss of hearing ability in one or two ears.

其特点为阵发性眩晕、波动性耳聋、耳鸣。Characterized by paroxysmal vertigo, the volatility of deafness and tinnitus.

我从来不会让我的听觉欺骗我的梦想,我只是现在还没有开始。I'd never let my deafness shortchange my dreams. I wasn't about to start now.

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这就是到目前为止,还没有对策的一个主要原因。That is one of the major points as to why deafness has not gotten a cure yet.

目的对遗传性聋家系进行GJB2基因突变检测,为该病的基因诊断提供依据。Objective To evaluate the mutational analysis of the GJB2 on hereditary deafness.

有一段时间因为耳聋,我很讨厌自己。There was a time in my life when I did not like who I was because of my deafness.

胎儿及新生儿接触汞会造成智障,耳聋,失明。Prenatal and infant exposure can cause mental retardation, deafness and blindness.

结论加味补中益气汤治疗突聋有一定价值。Conclusion MBD is more effective in the treatment of sudden deafness than mailening.

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耳朵附近极大的噪声可能会毁灭这些细胞,造成暂时性耳聋。A very loud noise close to the ear can destroy these cells, causing instant deafness.

目的探索与母系遗传性非综合征性耳聋相关的核基因。Objective To search responsible nuclear genes for matrilineal non-syndromic deafness.

通过进一步的研究,节奏听障或许可以作为一种特别的音乐失调症归入声调听障。With further research, beat deafness may join tone deafness as a music-specific disorder.