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老鹰猛地向它要捕食的动物扑去。The hawk chops upon its prey.

鹰俯冲而下,直扑那只鸡。The hawk dived straight at the chicken.

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一只雏鹰在空中飘浮,寻找着自己的家。A chicken hawk floats over, looking for home.

你们仔细看着我写的板书对不对啊So can you all watch me like a hawk a second?

那鹰的静悬之处拼死迈进。Fulcrum of violence where the hawk hangs still.

我认为在这种事情上采取强硬手段没有必要。I don't think it's good to hawk on such a thing.

而是像鹰一样凶狠而残暴的飓风?But like a hawk as fierce and violent hurricanes?

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一只沙漠蛛蜂正在吞食马利筋的花粉。The tarantula hawk wasp feeds on milkweed pollen.

1902年夏,他们把它带到了基蒂霍克。They took it to Kitty Hawk in the summer of 1902.

狂野的,不驯服的。用来形容猎鹰训练中的鹰。Wild and intractable. Used of a hawk in falconry.

许多“黑鹰”的改进型都是以UH-60为基型的。Many variations of BLACK HAWK are based on UH-60s.

这个时代的赤字鹰派就是下个时代的凯恩斯主义者。One era’s deficit hawk is another era’s Keynesian.

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鹰向它的猎物直冲而下。The hawk descend in a vertical stoop on its quarry.

我尝试移动镜头拍鹰这是结果。I tried panning with the hawk and this is the result.

把这件事告诉牛蛙、猎鸡鹰和斑鸠。Tell that to the bullfrog, chicken hawk or turtledove.

强化雄鹰换了新的效果…和龙鹰区别?Improved Aspect of the Hawk now has a new spell effect.

接下来,海豹需要摧毁损坏了的黑鹰。Next the SEALs needed to destroy the damaged Black Hawk.

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一份骨髓样本放在黑鹰上。One of the bone-marrow samples went into the Black Hawk.

召唤战鹰消耗的魔法增加,从35变为50。Summon Hawk mana cost increased to 50 mana from 35 mana.

如果我被老鹰或隼之类的盯上了,能逃脱掉么?。Can I escape from hawk and peregrine when they are after?