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他的秘诀?His secret?

我有一笔私房钱哩。I have a secret purse.

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那么秘诀又是什么呢?So what is the secret?

我有祖传的秘方。I have a secret recipe.

他无法守密。He cannot keep a secret.

我想知道他有什么高招。I wanted to know the secret.

秘诀在于定计划。The secret is to make plans.

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灵蛇大侠成功的秘诀是什么呢?What is the secret of Viper?

他想知道不死的秘密。He wants to learn his secret.

娜塔莉有位神秘的爱慕者。Natalie has a secret admirer.

这就是生长的秘诀。That is the secret of growth.

毕竟,投票是不记名的。After all, the vote is secret.

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这里,是我的一个自留地。My secret is in here, so much.

我们的方案必需失密。Our plan must remain a secret.

那是成功的秘诀。This is the secret of success.

或深或浅,盖上布,以为不存在。I put the deepest secret there.

这是你和我之间的密秘!It's secret between you and me.

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我的秘书是个难得的人才。My secret is a treasure people.

欢迎追入“最高机密”档案!Welcome to The Top Secret File!

这是你我之间的隐秘。Itas a secret during you and me.