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最终结果会是什么?What's the resulting form?

以致分泌乳汁。Resulting in the secretion of milk.

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由这个小数位引出的差距却是巨大的。The resulting difference is significant.

最终的传输速率是110波特。The resulting transfer rate is 110 baud.

这导致了沙人野蛮的攻击。The resulting Sand People attack was brutal.

产出的葡萄酒入口柔软,香气馥郁。The resulting wines are soft and flavorsome.

一个人要对恶意欺诈造成的损害负法律责任。One is liable for dolus resulting in damages.

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塔金在随后的爆炸中丧生。Tarkin was killed in the resulting explosion.

包含热电或由热电引起。Involving or resulting from thermoelectricity.

结果得到的自由图如下所示。The resulting freeform diagram is shown below.

套用运算子到产生的数字。The operator is applied to the resulting number.

这些破坏都是后期剪辑的原因。Resulting from the cutting, from the destruction.

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最终结果是一个固体,一个固体结构。The resulting form is a solid. A solid will form.

设计的结果就是后来被称为“平假名”。The resulting designs were then called "hiaragana".

结果产生的图像以宽带状的形式表现出来。The resulting images take the form of a wide strip.

和心的能源不够,产生了心累。Lack of energy and heart, resulting in a tired heart.

一齐吹奏,因此产生了复音现象。Play together, resulting in a polysyllabic phenomenon.

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超速行驶是严重的违规行为,会被严重罚款。Speeding is a serious offence resulting in high fines.

结果便形成了一个由转动所支撑的圆盘。The resulting object is a rotationally supported disk.

结果大脑习惯就是心理瘫痪。The resulting mental inertia is psychically paralyzing.