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阻止其易位,并打通中心部分。Prevent castling and open the center.

检查它是否是好的进行易位。Check if it is good to conduct castling.

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进行王车易位的国王在游戏中还没有移动过。The king that makes the castling move has not yet moved in the game.

进行王车易位的车在游戏中还没有移动过。The rook that makes the castling move has not yet moved in the game.

在这些残局库中,都假定王车易位不再可能出现。In all of these endgame databases it is assumed that castling is no longer possible.

目前没有其他棋子之间的国王和车参与易位。There are no other chess pieces between the king and the rook involved in the castling.

在特殊的规则下,国王和车可以同时移动。Under certain, special rules, a king and rook can move simultaneously in a castling move.

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易位是非常有效的战略防御中的国王和提供了一个避风港他。Castling can be a very effective strategy in the defense of your king and providing a safe-haven for him.

该法的“易位”涉及两个棋子,和国王的车有两种不同的方式,以城堡。The act of "castling" involves two chess pieces, the rook and king and there are two different ways to castle.

国王在王车易位中移动到一个被敌方的棋子攻击的方块,例如在王车易位时,你不能移动使得国王处于被将军地位。The king does not move to a square that is attacked by an enemy piece during the castling move, i. e. , you may not castle and end the move with the king in check.

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