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我是怎样工作的?我摸索�往前走。How do I work? I grope.

祂要他去摸索和发现。To grope and discover, to romp and run.

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我在黑洞洞的屋里摸索著寻找电灯开关。I grope for the light switch in the dark room.

历尽艰难摸索岁月。假如我能预料到结果。Hardships grope for years. If I can anticipate results.

你必在午间摸索,好像瞎子在暗中摸索一样。At midday you will grope about like a blind man in the dark.

在无光的黑暗中摸索,踉跄犹如醉汉。Without light, they grope in the dark and stagger like drunkards.

我让车子轻轻溜进了加油站,关发动机,掏钱包。I coast into the gas station, kill the engine, grope for my wallet.

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她甚至吹嘘曾和一个13岁的男孩在衣橱里有过肌肤之亲。She even boasted of having a grope in a cupboard with a 13-year-old.

它的不恰当摸触或女人,除非你知道她喜欢你。It's not appropriate to grope or touch a woman unless you know she likes you.

新的生长锥能够摸索四周现有的神经元,从而形成分支。New growth cones can grope for the sides' existing neurites, forming branches.

高度的责任心,良好的团队精神,勇于探索的精神。With strong sense of responsibility good team spirit have the courage to grope.

我有一个邻居,专喜欢在公共汽车上揩油。I have this neighbour that likes to grope girls when they are passing by on bus.

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他们白昼遇见黑暗,午间摸索如在夜间。They meet with darkness in the day time, and grope in the noonday as in the night.

这个贪婪的杂货店主必须在黑暗中摸索,这一残酷现实使他抱怨不已。The grim fact that he had to grope in the dark made the greedy grocer moan and groan.

他们无光,在黑暗中摸索,又使他们东倒西歪,像醉酒的人一样。They grope in the dark without light, and he maketh them to stagger like a drunken man.

两只邪恶的爪子在它那四只黑色的圆眼睛和锯齿状的大颚前面晃动着。Two wicked claws grope the air before its four beady , black eyes and sharp, jagged mandibles.

在机场过安检的时候,即使是搜身也不会需要很长时间。但脱鞋就不一样了。It might not be long before airport security will let you keep your shoes on, even if they do grope you.

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但是目前对于超硬涂层材料滚动接触疲劳失效机理的研究还处于探索之中。But the study on the rolling contact fatigue failure mechanism of super hard material coati-ngs is in grope.

在此前提下,本文探讨了电子游戏与教育的关系和电子游戏与课程整合的价值。Under the premise, grope into the relation between e-game and education and the value of integrating e-game with curriculum.

把“坚持,向上,自省,展望”作为冠宇人不断的追求和目标,积极进取,不断探索,锐意创新!Seeking the aim of "persevere in, new aims, self-examination and prospect", crew of Guanyu will grope for innovation perseveringly!