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红色的皮质脚垫,梳妆台是40年代的风格。Gules coriaceous foot is filled up, dresser is the style of 40 time.

人类全身上下,最强韧有力的肌肉,是舌头。All over the human body, the most coriaceous and forceful muscle is tongue.

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社会主义作为一种政治意识形态仍然具有强韧的生命力。Socialism serves as a kind of politics ideological still have coriaceous vitality.

这是因为反射弧是受丘脑、大脑皮质的影响。Because reflection arc is the influence with head bearing surname, coriaceous cerebra, this is.

“懒骨头”外形是一个大大的填充物布坐包,外层则多采用皮质或者帆布。"Shirker " the appearance is greatly filler cloth sits bag, outer use more coriaceous or canvas.

为什么糖皮质激素外用药搽了皮肤以后很干燥?。Why is candy coriaceous put on the skin of medicine of hormone external use after the skin very dry?

可擦抗生物质的软膏,或含有副肾皮质荷尔蒙的软膏。Can brush the ointment of antibiosis material, or contain suprarenal and coriaceous hormonal ointment.

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真皮制成,锌合金加工,皮质表面压刻西安世园会会徽标志。From genuine leather, zinc alloy processing, coriaceous surface compressive expo emblem engraved xian logo.

在皮质床头上,印有三朵灿烂盛开的花朵,整个空间顿时明快了起来。On coriaceous the head of a bed, imprint have 3 bright blooming flower, whole space immediately lively rise.

梦是在睡眠时,一些没有被完全抑制的皮质细胞群的工作所引起的。The dream is to be inMorpheusWhen, a few not by complete low-key coriaceous cell group working place causes.

冬日里,皮质、红木的沙发总是因为“冷漠”而遭到人们的抱怨。In wintry day, because, the sofa of coriaceous , annatto always is " chill " and those who suffer people complain.

家居市场上,床的质材分为四种,实木、钢管、布艺及皮质。On household market, the qualitative material cent of the bed is 4 kinds, real wood, steel tube, cloth art and coriaceous.

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常规应用抗生素和皮质类固醇眼药水滴术眼,持续2周。Convention application antibiotic and eye of art of water of coriaceous steroid eye ointment or eyedrops, continuously 2 weeks.

如反应速度不变或加快,分化能力不变或提高,说明皮质机能恢复良好。If response rate is fixed or accelerate, differentiation ability changeless or rise, explain coriaceous rehabilitation is good.

可用反应速度和建立分化抑制的准确程度来评定皮质机能的恢复情况。Usable response rate and build differentiation low-key exact extent comes assess is coriaceous functionary restores a situation.

果肉鲜红,脆嫩多汁,品质极佳,高抗枯萎病,皮质特坚硬,耐贮运。The pulp and red, crisp juicy, excellent quality, high frost-resistant blights, coriaceous especially hard, good shipping quality.

少数患者可出现皮质盲,眼底表现为视网膜静脉扩张、视盘模糊、视网膜出血。A few patient can appear coriaceous blind, eye ground expression is retinal vein dilate, inspect dish of faintness, retinal haemorrhage.

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皮质的沙发,透着一丝威严。可任意角度倾斜的靠背,斜躺下有说不出的舒适。Coriaceous sofa, appearing a majesty. But the back of a chair that aleatoric angle tilts, inclined lay down have inarticulate comfortable.

凡有高血压、动脉硬化、心肾功能不全的患者应慎用糖皮质激素。Every has the patient with not complete function of kidney of hypertensive, arteriosclerosis, heart Ying Shen uses sugar coriaceous hormone.

另外,有的实木家具上有皮质材料,消费者同样也要让其注明是否真皮,哪一部分是真皮。Additional, some real wood have coriaceous stuff on furniture, consumer also should let his make clear likewise dermal, which one part is dermal.