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制作模型火车是他废寝忘食的爱好。Building model trains is his consuming passion.

而中国要走向消费型社会也可谓是长路漫漫。But China is a long way from consuming too much.

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建议每天要摄入25-35克纤维。Recommend consuming 25-35 grams of fiber per day.

目的就是创造更多,而同时消费更少。The goal is to create more, while consuming less.

制作黄茶是非常耗时的。The process for making yellow tea is time consuming.

不过人们的消费观念在迅速地改变着。But people's consuming attitudes are changing quickly.

你是否养成购买营养食品的习惯?Have you built the habit of consuming nutritious food?

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据悉,甜蜜素食用过多会伤肝。Consuming too much sodium cyclamate can harm the liver.

这是人们消费习惯上的一场真正的革命。It's a real revolution about people's consuming habits.

逛商店是又费时又耗体力的事。Shopping around is time-consuming and energy consuming.

美女是消费的动物。Always believe that beauties are stunners for consuming.

因为耶和华你的神乃是烈火,是忌邪的神。For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.

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使用实际打印机进行测试的成本高而且费时间。Testing using a real printer is costly and time consuming.

银行的支票处理是一个费时费力的过程。The disposal of cheque of bank is a time- consuming course.

汤姆是个大烟鬼,每天要抽5包的烟。Tom is a chain smoker, consuming at least five packs a day.

有很多人都喜欢吃鳗鲡,尤其是在寿司饭店中。Many enjoy consuming eel, particularly in sushi restaurants.

亨利是个老烟鬼,至少一天抽五包烟。Herry is a chain smoker, consuming at least five packs a day.

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人们同样可以经由食用未煮熟的肉类而感染。People can also become infected by consuming undercooked meat.

希望不至于引起大家的强烈不满和鄙视,此幸,万幸。I hope it won't cause you consuming discontentment and disdain.

要知道悲伤和气愤促使新陈代谢变得紊乱,并且浪费时间。Sorrow and anger are metabolically expensive and time consuming.