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比起这锥心的痛苦。Than this smart Misery.

哭泣,悲伤,以及痛苦。Crying, sadness, misery.

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战争造成苦难和毁坏。War breeds misery and ruin.

毕竟,痛苦只是一种选择。Misery is, after all, a choice.

它以你的愤怒和痛苦为食。It feeds on your bile and misery.

任何笨蛋都能继续生活在痛苦中。Any fool can go on living in misery.

接着而来的是一段沉闷而苦痛的时日。Then followed a time of dull misery.

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毁灭和苦难伴随战争而来。Destruction and misery attend on war.

他向苦难献出了一切——清泪一滴。He gave to Misery all he had, a tear.

你可以让我们俩都免受这么深重的苦难。You could save us both so much misery.

此时,他感受到了生活道路上的凄风苦雨。And then he felt the misery of his life.

啊,名声原来是这般苦涩和痛苦!Oh, the bitterness and misery of renown!

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让别的文人墨客去描写罪恶与不幸吧。Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery.

他对回家的渴望让他感觉很痛苦。The misery he had was a longing for home.

我从前老板曾让我的生活痛苦不堪。My old boss used to make my life a misery.

人们一说到贫穷,常常就联想起悲惨的境遇。One usually associates poverty with misery.

我很厌倦,厌倦,厌倦—痛苦使我憔悴不堪。I am weary, weary, weary-worn down by misery.

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人为的状态是痛苦。The artificially self-imposed state is misery.

涂炭生灵。The people are plunged into an abyss of misery.

你应帮他除去他悲惨的境遇。You should help to relieve him from his misery.