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基昌看着从头到脚面目一新的英熙后大吃一惊。The chang looked at from head to foot the face a new corvee horror.

在有的朝代,酒税还与徭役及其他税赋形式有关。In some dynasties, liquor tax with corvee and other tax related forms.

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第二部分论述了蒙文档案所反映的清代喀喇沁左旗苏木及苏木徭役。Second, It discusses the township and township corvee wicn were reflected by Mongol archives.

据不完全统计,仅噶厦征收的差税种类就达200多种。Incomplete statistics indicate the existence of more than 200 categories of corvee taxes levied by the Gaxag.

这些政策有利于增殖人口、征发徭役和户口税,发展封建经济。These policies conducive to proliferation population, then, the development and the residence corvee tax feudal economy.

楚国的军赋以加强国家军事实力为目的,田赋则以增强国家经济实力为旨归。Chu States corvee aim to reinforce national military strength while its farm tax aim to strengthen national economic strength.

第九章赋役制度与十国百姓生活,作者认为由于十国赋役剥削严重,十国百姓生活从整体上看异常艰难。In chapter nine, the author entirely consider that Shiguo people life is extremely hard because of heavy burden from tax and corvee.

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该文对我国第一个封建帝国——秦代的赋税与徭役制度进行实证性的考稽。With some facts, this article observes and studies the corvée and taxes system in the first feudal empire of our country—Qin Dynasty.

在这一过程中,贡纳、兵役、赋税始终是政府对少数民族征发赋役的主要形式。In this course, tribute receive , military service and taxes is mainly form of taxes and corvee to solicit to ethnic minority all the time.

在抗战初期,曾有支差过多、浪费民力的现象,这个毛病很快就得到了克服。The early days of the war of resistance witnessed excessive assignments of corvee duties and wasting of manpower, but these were soon corrected.

他对人民的赋税和徭役相对减轻,提出了一些富民的宽松政策,使人民有了一个和平生产的环境。He was the people's taxes and corvee lessened, made some people rich liberal policies, so that the people have a peaceful and productive environment.

这里有老虎,但是没有苛捐杂税和繁重的摇役啊!孔子听到这儿,回过头来,对弟子们说。"There are tigers here, but there are no exorbitant taxes, levies or heavy corvee here! " When Confucius heard this, he turned to his disciples and said.

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本文即试图对两汉政府对少数民族赋役政策的产生、发展、内容、特点、影响等问题进行一些初步探讨。In this dissertation, the author try to discuss ethnic minority taxes and corvee production , development , content , characteristic , and influencing etc.

本文试图对十国赋役制度做尝试性勾勒,进而探讨十国赋役制度对十国国家财政、社会经济以及百姓生活的影响。This paper attempts to not only outline Shiguo Tax & Corvee system , but also explore its effect to Shiguo government finance , social economy and people life.

但是,雍正年间实行的赋役改革与限制绅权,使世家大族与士绅阶层的特权逐渐被剥夺。However, reform of taxes and corvee and limitation of gentry power in YongZheng Reign made privileges of prominent families and gentry level gradually deprived.

在封建社会和半殖民地半封建社会,占人口绝大多数的农民饱受封建地租、徭役、兵役等沉重负担之苦。In the feudal society and the sub-feudal and sub-colonist society the peasants who were the majority of the society suffered the burden of feudal land rent, corvee etc.

对这部分弱势群体以及贫困人口,主要采用物质赏赐、减免赋税徭役、国家收养以及施医救治等方式对其救助。The government took measures to help them, such as material bestows, reducing farm tax and corvee , easing penalty, national raising children , curing and Saving lives etc.

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汉承秦制对周边少数民族继续加强控制和管理,并在此基础上开征赋役。After inherit the system of Qin dynasty, Han Dynasty continue to strengthen controlling and management minority in the border area , and levy the taxes and corvee on this basis.

清初赋役制度沿袭明末“一条鞭法”,但在实际推行过程中却是多种赋役制度并行。In early Qing Dynasty, the taxes and corvee system followed "the Law of Uniform Taxation According to Farmland"used in late Ming Dynas ty, many kinds of taxation systems exited along with this one.

佑振对老是规避本人的允熙感应惊讶,他来黉舍找她,允熙通知他要恪守兄妹礼仪,佑振听后感应悲伤。U-right vibration to circumvent the corvee gI always induction and surprised him up to Hong looking for her, acceptable to keep informed his city etiquette, brother and sister on after hearing sad.