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匍匐的猫儿——抬头看着。The creeping cat,looked up.

蠕动的蛆虫令人作呕。The creeping maggots are yucky.

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压力是否在你的生活中飙升?Stress creeping up in your life?

这里的要更象是”匍匐前进的肮脏东西“。This is more like the Creeping Crud.

防止混凝土变形是很不容易的。It is hard to prevent concrete from creeping.

黑夜逐浙笼罩了这个小村庄。Darkness was creeping up on the little village.

自打来到这地方,我就浑身直起鸡皮疙瘩。I been creeping all over, ever since I got here.

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我不喜欢看着这些外国人悄悄钻进来。I don't like to see these foreigners creeping in.

渐渐地他们成绩开始下降。And little by little they start creeping down here.

莽丛密林一步一步地蔓延到了古老的城堡。The jungle was creeping back to its old strongholds.

你那样悄悄过来,真把我吓了一大跳。You did give me a scare, creeping up on me like that.

正交性是一种慢性感染性的问题。Orthogonality is one of those creeping viral problems.

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你看他这三天来不老是往梗子上爬么?Has he not been creeping up that stalk these three days?

英军渐进弹幕技能使用间隔时间由60秒增加为75秒。British Creeping Barrage ability increased to 75s from 60s.

太阳落山了,天空升起了一轮冷月。The sun goes down and a cold moon comes creeping up the sky.

在我写这篇文章时,稳健正悄悄溜回到竞赛中。As I write, steadiness is creeping back into the competition.

石油价格又在向着新纪录爬升了。SO THE price of oil is creeping back up towards a record high.

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超重软件是爬行特征主义造成的不理想的结果之一。Fatware is one of the undesirable results of creeping featurism.

那是个橙色的、有条纹的家伙,它正爬过灌木丛!It was orange and had stripes. It was creeping through the bushes.

观察了匍匐翦股颖的结实特性。Observe the seed production characteristics of creeping bentgrass.