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她坐立不安,甚至心乱如麻。She was restless and even agitated.

人群被他的演说激动起来。The crowd was agitated by his speech.

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这家报纸鼓吹要改善住房条件。The paper agitated for better housing.

但他烦躁不安,根本没有专心在看。But he was agitated and couldn’t focus.

翻腾的混合物不断起泡沫。The agitated mixture foamed and bubbled.

我也非常愤怒,但是我忍住了。I am agitated too, but I restrain myself.

电视摄制组看起来既紧张又激动。The TV crew looked stressed and agitated.

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医生使烦躁不安的病人镇静了下来。The doctor becalmed the agitated patient.

我没想到你是那种容易激动的类型。I didn't think you were the agitated type.

空气搅拌加热有机玻璃机体细胞,267毫升。Air Agitated Heated Lucite Hull Cell, 267 ml.

人权问题引起广泛而激烈的辩论。The issue of human rights is widely agitated.

他越讲越激动。The more he talked the more agitated he became.

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因为他在我们公司里常爱发脾气。Because he's very easilly agitated in our company.

我发现自己有时躁动不安,有时木讷迟钝。I also find myself either agitated or slowed down.

人心能为各种不同的感情所激动。The mind of a man is agitated by various emotions.

他每次在心情非常激动时总是这样。He always did this whenever he was greatly agitated.

他兴奋地说明着当时的情形。He was explaining the situation in an agitated manner.

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他们开展了强有力的鼓动工作以争取妇女堕胎权。They vigorously agitated for women's right to abortion.

得到的“汤”用振荡法彻底搅拌。The "soup" obtained should be thoroughly agitated by shaking.

那辆马车的忽来忽往早已使他心烦意乱。The comings and goings of the fiacres had greatly agitated him.