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梅奥是冰和火的混合体。OJ Mayo is equal parts ice and fire.

在橙汁流失维他命前应该储存多长时间呢?How long does OJ keep before it loses vitamins?

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像大部分新秀一样,梅奥只会变得更好。If anything, like most rookies, OJ has nowhere to go but up.

OJ梅奥和麦克柯尼是年轻的,能跑动的首发后场。OJ Mayo and Mike Conley are a young, athletic starting backcourt.

我发现对我来说,好像柳橙汁的功效比运动饮料好一些。For some reason my body responds much better to OJ than sports drink.

陈江华的比赛看起来更具闪光点,因为他的表现在他的中国队友之中是鹤立鸡群的。OJ is calm and under control, and always seem to know what he's doing.

阻黄及其引起的并发症与肠道菌群密切相关。OJ and its complications are highly associated with intestinal microbiota.

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例如,你可以选择2枚鸡蛋,用普通的燕麦熬成的粥,接着再来一杯橙汁。For example, you could have 2 natural eggs, plain oats for oatmeal, and a glass of OJ.

你还记得出版的崩溃,这是法院组织辛普森的书名如果我这样做呢?Do you remember the publishing debacle that was OJ Simpson's book entitled If I did it?

目的减轻中毒症状,提高治愈率,降低死亡率。Objective To reduce rate oj patients whose skin were contaminated by anchovy poisoning.

当年辛普森杀妻案的审判就说明,再也没能比谋杀和名人的组合更能引发公众的集体亢奋了。The OJ Simpson trial proved that nothing gets the masses as excited as murder and celebrity.

橙汁里的维生素C不仅增强你的免疫力,而且还可以改善你的胆固醇水平。The vitamin C in OJ not only boosts your immunity, but also improves your cholesterol levels.

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汇源纯橙汁饮料的部分产品价格更高而且市场所占分额也相对要小。The segment Huiyuan dominates — undiluted OJ — is for pricier products and is relatively small.

艾弗森和辛普森梅奥正在学习如何一起玩以及如何运行教练霍林斯'快节奏的进攻。Allen Iverson and OJ Mayo are learning how to play together and how to run coach Lionel Hollins' up-tempo offense.

白队由盖伊黄疸梅奥,马克加索尔,米利,瓦里克,康利和贾里奇。The white team consisted of Rudy Gay, OJ Mayo, Marc Gasol, Darko Milicic, Hakim Warrick, Mike Conley and Marko Jaric.

该景物梗说,辛普森留下讯息辱骂他的电话答录机,黄疸,然后驱车到冈萨雷斯的房子。The landscaper said OJ Simpson left abusive message on his answering machine, then OJ drove over to Gonzales' house with Prody.

“命运的逆转”是根据哈佛法学教授阿兰·德绍维兹的所著书籍改编而成的,阿兰·德绍维兹曾在重审时为冯·比洛先生辩护,他还是辛普森案件的律师。Reversal Of Fortune was based on a book by Harvard law Professor Alan Dershowitz, who defended Mr von Bulow and also acted for OJ Simpson.

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其实有很多的品种,拿些柠檬水,榨些酸橙汁到甜瓜里,将葡萄柚添加到沙拉里,用这些来代替喝苏打水,橙汁加到苏打水里也可以。For variety, make lemonade, squeeze limes on melon, add grapefruit to salad, and instead of drinking soda, fizz up OJ with sparkling water.

公路上安放了防撞栏,李维斯大道被关闭了,但是那些蜂拥的人潮没有出现,除了一些古怪的叫卖OJ的纪念品的人。The crash barriers were in place, Lewis Avenue was shut down, but nobody turned up, barring a few eccentrics hawking, appropriately enough, OJ memorabilia.

负弹模法可适用于多种情况,且精度高又省事,为结构应力分析带来极大方便。The negative elastic modulus method, highly accurate, easy to use, is useful in many cases, and it brings great convenience to the stress analysis oJ structures.