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其中之一是“bagman"。One is bagman.

消费者为何会信任这些推销员?Why can consumer trust these bagman ?

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他比以往任何时候都更象一个生意兴隆的商贩了。He looked more than ever like a prosperous bagman.

为你工作的推销员越多,获利越多。The bagman that works for you is more, gain profit more.

无奈之下,他只能从推销员做起,甚至干过民工。But under, he can be made from bagman only, had done a laborer even.

整个过程中,支付渠道如支付宝,扮演了一个“可靠的中间人”的角色。In whole process, if pay treasure, pay channel, acted " reliable bagman " part.

话完妇女便把身上的睡衣脱掉,拿给推销员。The word is over the woman takes off the bedgown that goes up personally, take bagman.

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原来,推销员不仅清楚地说出了消费者的电话、住址,甚至以往的购物经历。Original, bagman spoke the phone of consumer, address clearly not only, even before shopping experience.

她的话音刚落,卢多巴格曼就从他们前面的一棵树后钻了出来。The words were hardly out of his mouth, when Ludo Bagman emerged from behind a tree right ahead of them.

小李说,大多数油漆工都是某一种或几种油漆的“推销员”,他们与油漆经销商都熟悉。Xiaoli says, most painter is some is planted or a few kinds paint " bagman " , they and paint agency are known.

例如,卢克伍德是卢多·巴格曼父亲的老朋友,巴格曼把情报传递给了他,显然是相当无辜的。For example, Rookwood was an old friend of Ludo Bagman's father, and Bagman passed him information, apparently quite innocently.

“袋子人”用来描述一个中介,这个人常常在非法钱财较易中充当中间人。Bagman , It describes a go-between. The go-between sees to it that money is passed – often illegally – from one person to another.

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这时我已经不堪负重,拖着大包小包在纽约各处看望熟人,就像一个上门推销员。I was now fully loaded down, walking around New York to meet friends dragging packages and bags behind me like some sort of crazed bagman.

我是在去年大概这个时候才学会拒绝的,而且拜一位伟大的推销员所赐,他给我上了人生重要一课。I am last year probably this moment just learns to refuse, and do obeisance to a great bagman place to grant, he went up to me life is important one class.

在这煮科幻惊悚片,朱诺,已被启动了警察部队,几乎没有获得作为一个低级别的行商,为摄影师的丑闻抹布。In this hardboiled science fiction thriller, Juno, having been booted off the police force, is barely getting by as a low-level bagman and photographer for the scandal rags.

他到北京后的第一份工作是做保健品推销员,后来还和几个朋友一起开了家保健品代理分销公司。The first job after he goes to Beijing is to do health care to taste bagman , still opened domestic health care to taste acting cent to sell a company together with a few friends later.