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他的想法很稚子。His idea is childish.

他就像一个幼稚的成年人。He is like a childish adult.

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这样做是幼稚的。To act like that is childish.

她嘲笑说我的努力很幼稚。She derided my effort as childish.

我认为他的行为很幼稚。I think of his behavior as childish.

我的乖孩子,你这是孩子气。My dear child, you're being childish.

罗圭亭的反应是孩子气的。Roquentin is childish in his reactions.

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她人不错,只是太幼稚了一点。She is anice person but abit too childish.

你得长大!你的行为举止像个孩子,很幼稚。You need to grow up! You're acting childish.

白白地去冒危险是幼稚的。It is childish to run into danger for nothing.

当然,总有人更孩子气一些咯。Of course, some were more childish than others.

这个小女孩用尖尖的童声讲话。The little girl spoke in a high childish voice.

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逞强的成熟,又有谁能知其内心的幼稚?To mature, and who can know the inner childish?

但是LOL真地是懒惰、孩子气的混合物吗?But is "LOL" really a lazy, childish concoction?

不宽容他人这都是小孩子行为。It is childish behaviour to carry unforgiveness.

该是你停止这类幼稚行为的时候了。It's time you gave over such childish behaviour.

正因为他有孩子气我更加喜欢他。I like him all the more because he is so childish.

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当然,这个动作只会让她看起来更加孩子气。Of course, this just makes her look more childish.

定是被孩子气的神灵用泥巴塑造。Shaped out of great lumps of muck by childish gods.

我们要从孩子身上学的并非是孩子气。What we need to learn from children isn't childish.