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有时我们甚至要锯肢。Sometimes we even amputate a limb.

在这一点上,决定把截肢。At that point, the decision was made to amputate.

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他的脚生了坏疽,必须解除。When gangrene set in, his foot have to be amputate.

医生说他们将会切除我的双脚。The doctors said they are going to amputate both of my feet.

她的那条腿伤得很厉害,医师只得将其截除。Her leg was so badly damaged that the doctors had to amputate.

如果你抵抗不了感染,他们可以马上给你做截肢手术。And if you can't counter the infection, they can amputate at once.

在一些案例中,患者千方百计切断他们自己的脚或手臂。In some cases, the sufferer has gone so far as to amputate their own limbs.

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不要说,‘天啊,我得了坏疽,我的腿几乎要被截掉了’。Don’t say, ‘Oh my god, I had gangrene and they almost had to amputate my leg.

“坏疽,”有一天晚上雪莉告诉我说,“兽医说要么截肢,要么只有安乐死。”Gangrene, Shirley told me one evening. The vet says amputate or he'll have to be put to sleep.

但这个膝盖关节一直会折断,所以最后医师必须切除膝盖上方的腿。But the knee joint kept breaking and eventually doctors had to amputate his leg above the knee.

目的探讨护理程序在接受断指再植手术后围手术期病人中的应用。Objective To probe the application of care program in patients after replantation of amputate finger.

他的身体被一块巨大的水泥板压着,医生只有把他的一条腿锯断才把他救了出来。His body was pinned down by such huge concrete slabs that doctors had to amputate a part of one leg to free him.

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BIID患者唯一的特征一种强迫性的冲动使他们截肢或者麻痹他们的躯体。The only ‘abnormal’ characteristic of BIID sufferers is the compelling urge to amputate or paralyze their limbs.

虽然经过集中医疗救助,医生只能被迫切除他膝盖以上的双腿及九根手指。despite intensive medical treatment, doctors were forced to amputate the man's legs above the knee and all but one of his fingers.

据报告这些遭受BIID疾病折磨的患者早在他们孩提时代就已经意识到一种不由自主的截肢或者麻痹身体的的强迫心理。There are reports that many of those afflicted with BIID have reportedly felt the compulsion to amputate or paralyze the limbs as early as childhood.

通常所说的身体完整性和身份失调的疾病是一种罕见的疾病病人忍受着强迫性的折磨而截肢或者想方设法麻痹健康的躯体。An unusual condition known as Body Integrity Identity Disorder plagues sufferers with tormenting compulsions to amputate or to seek out ways to paralyze healthy limbs.

八年前一只澳大利亚野生巴丹鸟撞进一辆汽车折断了翅膀,司机把她送到兽医处做了截翅手术。About eight years ago a wild Australian Sulphur Crested Cockatoo flew into a car and broke its wing. The motorist took it to the Vet in Nerang, Queensland, who had to amputate the wing.