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第二步,将服务用例编写为服务测试。Second, codify the service use cases into service tests.

而从法律上确定这项禁令所需的谈判将是复杂的。The discussions necessary to codify this ban will be complex,” Rocca said.

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最终我们对所有事物行为的编纂归类都基于那些系统法则。Ultimately all we have is those systematic laws that codify the way things behave.

他们还花时间整理了在社区中涌现的一些想法。They also took the time to codify some conventions that sprung up in the community.

在这些年中,将这些重现的设计策略编码的模式出现了。Over the years, patterns have emerged that codify these recurring design strategies.

模拟的功能全面,即意味着其编写的测试和用例也全面。The mocks are thorough, meaning that the tests and the use cases they codify are thorough.

这本书对经典科幻小说意义重大,确实如此,C.S.刘易斯和J.R.R.托尔金都深受威廉姆.莫里斯作品的影响。This book helped codify the classic fantasy story. And, indeed, both C.S. Lewis and J.R.R.

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我们所能做的全部就是观察事物是如何运作的,将其行为编纂归类,并把它作为我们自然科学的基础。All we can do is see how things behave, codify that behavior and do our science on that basis.

假如你可以编纂或者量化,每一件说过或写下的东西,那就是言语活动。If you could codify or quantify everything that's ever been said or written, that would be langage.

在实际上,新的制度将编织共和党派的梦想——减税不会加深财政赤字。In effect, the new rules will codify the Republican fantasy that tax cuts do not deepen the deficit.

这些模式正式化为一组规则,用于将解决方案中的功能构建为一组部件。These patterns codify a set of rules used to factor the functionality in a solution into a set of parts.

当创建团队的时候,我们就意识到需要确立团队所要表现出来的特征。As we built the team, we realized that we need to codify the characteristics that we wanted the team to embody.

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修订网络中立性的法案未获通过,运营商撤回其分层互联网的计划。Legislation to codify network neutrality failed to pass, and carriers backed off their plans for a tiered Internet.

使用模式时,可以确保所提供或代码化的解决方案是正确、有用的,而且经过了验证。When you use patterns, you can be sure that the solution they provide or codify is correct, useful, and has been validated.

人权中国制定和完善了一系列尊重和保障人权的法律制度,人权保障事业不断法律化、制度化。China has formulated and improved a series of legal measures to codify and institutionalise the safeguarding of human rights.

该法的颁布旨在将我国涉外民事关系冲突法规则进行汇编和整理。The Code has been formulated in order to codify the conflict of laws rules applicable to foreign-related civil relationships.

类似的,您需要可审查的、可重复的、可靠的,您能够编码并在一个接一个项目中复用的过程自动化。Similarly, you need auditable, repeatable, reliable process automation that you can codify and reuse across project after project.

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受这些发现的启发,Ekman便着手去建立一个可以将任何一个人的复杂面部表情进行编码的系统。Encouraged by these findings, Ekman then set out to organize a system by which he could codify the complex facial expressions of any given person.

作为映像保存标准操作系统配置之后,可以使用它作为基本映像,在它上面安装定制的软件包。Once you codify your standard operating system configuration as an image, you can use it as a base image and layer custom software bundles on top.

另外,考虑到程序的配置经常会迫使您系统化它可以做什么以及用户如何影响它的作用。In addition, thinking about the configuration of your program often forces you to codify what it can do and how the users can influence its actions.