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德国人在布隆方丹取得了4-1的大捷。Germany run out comfortable 4-1 winners in Bloemfontein.

布隆方丹的这场比赛不止于将我们的思绪从过往中带出。The match in Bloemfontein offered more than enough to drag thoughts away from the past.

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一些游客曾将点燃的香烟扔给这只名叫"查理"的黑猩猩,它从此便爱上"吞云吐雾"。Charlie, the chimp, started smoking when some visitors to the zoo in Bloemfontein threw him lit cigarettes.

一名男子在布隆方丹手表2010年6月11日2010年世界杯南非和墨西哥之间的揭幕战。A man watches the opening match of the 2010 World Cup between South Africa and Mexico in Bloemfontein June 11, 2010.

园方说,布隆方丹动物园的黑猩猩查理从入园的游客那里学会抽菸,他们有时会丢香菸给牠。Keepers say Charlie the chimpanzee picked up the habit from visitors at the Bloemfontein Zoo who sometimes toss him cigarettes.

政府还现代化和近一倍在开普敦,伊丽莎白港和布隆方丹机场的载客能力。The government has also modernized and nearly doubled passenger capacity at the airports of Cape Town, Bloemfontein and Port Elizabeth.

布隆方丹动物园说,猩猩查理星期二以52岁的高龄去世,这比一般猩猩的平均寿命长至少10年。The Bloemfontein Zoo says Charlie passed away Tuesday at the age of 52, at least ten years beyond the average life span for chimpanzees.

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在南非布隆方丹打响的英德大战中,德国队气势如虹,以4-1取得本场胜利。England have been knocked out of the 2010 World Cup in the second round, after a rampant Germany side ran out 4-1 victors in Bloemfontein.

由于淘汰赛中在布隆方丹惨败给德国队,英格兰人的世界杯之旅在这个周日不幸的结束了。England's World Cup came to an unfortunate end on Sunday, as they succumbed to defeat against Germany in the Second Round in Bloemfontein.

南非中部布隆方登西北偏西的城市,在附近发现了丰富的钻石矿藏后于87年建立。A city of central South Africa west-northwest of Bloemfontein. Founded in 87 after the discovery of a rich trove of diamonds nearby, Kimberley also has some manufacturing industries.

金伯利南非中部布隆方登西北偏西的城市,在附近发现了丰富的钻石矿藏后于1871年建立。A city of central South Africa west-northwest of Bloemfontein. Founded in1871 after the discovery of a rich trove of diamonds nearby, Kimberley also has some manufacturing industries.

争论爆发在一个非正式的足球比赛在乡镇几个小时之前,国际足联联合会杯足球赛西班牙与南非2009年6月20号在布隆方丹。An argument breaks out during an informal soccer game in a township a few hours before the Fifa Confederations Cup football match Spain vs South Africa on June 20, 2009 in Bloemfontein.

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一个孩子从布隆方丹乡镇阶层的南非国旗几个小时之前,国际足联联合会杯足球赛西班牙与南非2009年6月20号在南非布隆方丹。A child from a Bloemfontein township walks with a South African flag a few hours before the Fifa Confederations Cup football match Spain vs South Africa on June 20, 2009 in Bloemfontein, South Africa.