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然而,国际清算银行其实是在希望能鱼与熊掌兼得。Yet, at the same time, the BIS wants to eat its cake and have it too.

第四部分介绍了既判力和一事不再理。The forth part introduces the res judicata and principle of non bis idem.

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但本规定以适用第十条之二为条件,方可适用。This provision is subject, however, to the application of Article 10 bis.

在国际清算银行,我问一个经济学家,你能不能给我解释下?I called an economist at the BIS and said, can you please explain it to me?

比较而言,一事不再理原则更符合我国的实际。The principle of non bis in idem are more in accord with the reality of China.

我们只能及时地发现,但是BIS本周作出的让步却是个不好的兆头。We will only find out in time, but the BIS compromise this week was a bad sign.

结论临床应用BIS和SEF预测异丙酚镇静程度是可信的。Conclusion Using BIS and SEF to predict the depth of propofol-induced sedation is reliable.

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吸入麻醉中BIS监测可减少吸入麻醉药用量,但肌松药用量增加。BIS monitoring increased the amount of muscle relaxants used during inhalational anesthesia.

第二部分主要研究了一事不再理制度和诉讼标的理论之间的关系。The second chapter is mainly on the relationship between NON BIS IN IDEM and Purpose Theory.

一事不再理原则通过限制国家刑事追诉权更好地保障诉讼参加人特别是被追诉人的权利。Non bis in idem is a rational principle, being in conformity to the laws of criminal justice.

主教的脸上忽然起了好客的人所特有的那种愉快神情。The Bis. op's face at once assumed that expression of gayety which is. peculiar to hospitable natures.

BIS检测是用博莱霉素作突变剂,反应细胞对致突变剂的敏感性。However, BIS was to take bleomycin as a mutagen to reflect the sensibility of lymphocyte to the mutagen.

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麦海国际有限公司总部在台北市新生北路二段31之1号5楼之二。Mr MAK Hoi-International Ltd. , headquartered in Taipei Xinsheng North Road, Sec 31 of the 1st floor, 5 bis.

这不会影响所有wifi黑莓手机用户,问题报告没有规律性,但包括所有电信运营商,如BIS和BES。This is not affecting ALL WiFi users, the reports are sporadic, but across all carriers, BIS and BES included.

第三部分主要研究了一事不再理制度和既判力之间的关系。The third chapter focuses on the relationship between NON BIS IN IDEM and Adjudged force of effective judgment.

免疫系统和病毒检测系统的功能具有惊人的相似性,因此我们借鉴免疫原理来提高病毒检测系统的性能。There are amazing similarities between VDS and BIS. So we can make use of some immune principles to improve VDS.

最后,英语故事大赛在“海蓝星乐队”一段动听的琴、鼓合奏声中落下帷幕。Finally, BIS English Contest ended with an ear-catching show of the piano and the drum from Sea and Blue Star Band.

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BIS调查还显示日本成交额跃升,赶超新加坡和瑞士,一举成为第三大现汇交易市场.The BIS survey also showed turnover jumped in Japan, which nudged out Singapore and Switzerland to take the No. 3 spot.

“一事不二审”原则是国际法上的重要原则,该原则在国际司法的各个领域都得到了长足的发展。Ne bis in idem is an important principle of international law, which has greatly developed throughout international justice.

毕尔巴鄂西班牙北部一城市,位于比斯开湾附近。建于公元1300年,是主要港口和工业中心。人口397,541。A city of northern Spain near the Bay of Bis cay. Founded c. 1300, it is a major port and industrial center. Population, 397, 541.