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失效-端口未激活或没有参与STP。Disabled-The port is inactive and does not participate in STP.

透明桥通过交换BPDU来完成STP通讯。Transparent bridges performing STP communicate by exchanging BPDUs.

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尽管如此,这一早期阶段的目标是确定STP的优先级。At this early stage, however, the goal is to determine STP priorities.

公司总部位于伦敦市中心,持有的是FCA完全监管STP牌照。We are based in the heart of the City of London operating a full FCA STP licence.

本文主要研究外部电磁场对屏蔽双绞线的干扰耦合情况。This article mainly studies the interference coupling of external electromagnetic field to STP.

STP缆线也使用内部的箔遮蔽来保护每对线,以避免由其他对线产生的杂讯。STP also uses inner foil shields to protect each wire pair from noise generated by the other pairs.

特别是对于STP理论在房地产行业中的运用,还处于探索和研究阶段。Especially the application of STP theory in the real estate trade is still in probing and study stage.

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从介绍STP轧管工艺出发,对其核心设备KRM四辊行星轧管机进行了评述。Based on the STP tube-rolling technology, an overall evaluation of the KRM 4-roll planetary tube-rolling mill is made in the paper.

STP缆线包含一个外部有导电性的遮蔽,它将电气接地隔离讯号以避免外部的电气杂讯。STP cable contains an outer conductive shield that is electrically grounded to insulate the signals from external electrical noise.

一般来说,“明日之星”小学校园网球项目的教练员首先都是花大量时间教孩子们如何打好基础,从怎样正确握拍开始教起,但是天津站却有些特别。Normally "STP" coaches spend most of their teaching time on the very basics of holding a racket properly but not with these Tianjin youngsters.

通过STP,把目标顾客群定位于政府、企事业单位的成功人士和各级领导。Through STP , It orientates target consumer group as successful personage and leaders at all levels of government, enterprises and institutions.

本文分为绪论、发展现状、5C分析、STP分析、4P产品组合分析和实施分析六个主要部分。This thesis comprises six major chapters, i. e. introduction, present operation analysis, 5C analysis, STP framework, 4P matrix and implementation.

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论文通过对江铃汽车外部环境的分析,勾划出轻型客车行业的概况及未来的前景。After internal and external environment analysis, SWOT analysis, STP and 4Ps analysis, this dissertation will raise some reasonable proposals for JMC.

采用内转塔浮筒形式允许整个单点系泊系统在海上提前安装,缩短了FPSO回接的时间。The adoption of STP buoy made it possible for the system of STP to be installed ahead of schedule, and this also shortened the connection time of FPSO.

在手术显微镜下观察、测量干性颅骨标本外侧面星点、顶乳突缝前角与周围解剖结构的距离及其位置关系。The anatomical relationships of the asterion and the anterior angle of parietomastoid sutures with STP were also studied with injected cadaver specimens.

在这种情况下,工作组交换机必须支持stp,以简化网络配置和允许接到基干交换机的冗余链路而无需将环路引入网络。Given this, workgroup switches must support the STP to simplify network configuration and allow redundant links to the backbone without introducing loops into the network.

本文的写作以现代市场营销观念、STP营销理论、关系营销理论、营销组合和渠道创新理论为基础。The theory of this thesis is based on the modern marketing concept, STP marketing theory, relationship marketing theory, the marketing mix and the channel innovation theory.

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本文将国际市场营销思路与泰山石敢当文化的发展相结合,通过STP战略分析了泰山石敢当文化国际市场营销的必要性与可行性。This paper combined international marketing with Taishan Shigandang's development, and analyzed the necessity and feasibility of its international marketing by STP strategy.

本文通过STP营销战略方法对现有的行业、客户进行细分分析,为锋范产品选择目标市场、定位。This article makes subdividing analysis to the existing industries and customers by STP marketing strategy, in order to choose a target market and reposition for CITY products.