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许多海洋鱼类是在淡水河里产卵的。Many sea fishes spawn in rivers.

撒旦之子最怕什么呢?The only thing feared by the spawn of Satan?

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你只能在你的小队长放置的接力重生点重生。You can only spawn at your squads Rally Point.

应该是“生虫子的能量消耗从25下调到20”才对。Spawn Larvae energy cost reduced to 20 from 25.

为什么所有的追魂使者都有英国口音?Why do all the hell spawn have British accents?

因此必须确定生成一个线程来获取数据。So be sure to spawn a thread to fetch this data.

有三个问题可能会产生偶发复杂度。Three things tend to spawn accidental complexity.

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相信时间能够酿出更醇的酒!I believe the time to spawn more alcohol the wine!

鲑鱼奋力回游到河里产卵。The salmon fight their way back up the river to spawn.

尽管生活在不同的水域,所有的鳗鱼都在海里产卵。Despite living in different waters, all eels spawn in the sea.

突击破障战车其实是一辆加装类似推土机部件的重型坦克,它重达64吨,有42英尺长,这可个大家伙。Assault Breacher 64-ton, 42-foot-long spawn of tank and bulldozer.

托我的节日愿望清单今年是高清从菌种实验室720。Topping my holiday wish list this year is an HD-720 from Spawn Labs.

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孤立更可能会衍生更多的怨恨和激进主义。Isolation is far more likely to spawn more resentment and radicalism.

男性会吹一泡巢时,他精心筹办产卵。The male will blow an elaborate bubble nest when he is ready to spawn.

现在所有的死灵宠物发挥产卵动画当他们被传唤。All Necromancer pets now play a spawn animation when they are summoned.

改变方产卵出口,以防止内部狙击的产卵门。Changed side spawn exits to prevent sniping from inside the spawn door.

如果可能的话,现在罕见项目将用三个或更多附加物总是大量繁殖。Rare items will now always spawn with three or more affixes if possible.

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在其嗅觉的指引下,几年后它们会回到这里产卵。Guided by their sense of smell, they will return in a few years to spawn.

有时它出身高贵,有时却只是一个投机商之子。Sometimes it is of noble birth, and sometimes the spawn of a stock-jobber.

洄游的鲑鱼需要凉爽、含氧丰富的水域进行繁殖。Migratory salmonoids require cool, well-oxygenated water in which to spawn.