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罗伯特托马斯,新的NFC东区的读彩虹合演!Robert Thomas, the new co-star of NFC Easts Reading Rainbow!

老鹰输掉了周日在美国亚利桑那州的NFC冠军争夺战,32-25。The Eagles lost to Arizona on Sunday in the NFC championship game, 32-25.

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这种另辟新径的方法恰是NFC缺乏标准化的一个例子。This work-around is just one example of the lack of standardization with NFC.

该产品可直接用鲜番茄加工成天然浓缩汁,或将番茄酱稀释并加入香料而成。It may be produced as an NFC juice straight from raw tomatoes, or by diluting paste and adding flavouring.

随着手机、NFC和在线支付等新型支付手段的兴起,支付市场正在经历一场巨变。The payments space is going through a major upheaval with new payments via mobile, NFC and online payments.

虽然有着11胜5负的战绩,新奥尔良圣徒队在实力非常强大的大联盟南部球队中仅排名第二。Even with an 11-5 record, the New Orleans Saints finished as runner-up in the much stronger NFC South Division.

这个公司在餐厅的菜单里嵌入了NFC芯片,这个菜单将在用餐结束时提供。The company implants NFC chips inside restaurant menus and the folders handed to diners at the end of their meal.

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最后提出要建立基于NFC手机和网络的公共安全体系。Finally, raises a suggestion establishing a public safety system based on NFC mobile phones and the relevent network.

兼容ST和NXP提供的主要NFC芯片平台的协议栈对其提供支持。It is supported by protocol stacks that are compatible with major NFC chip platforms from STMicroelectronics and NXP.

本课题研究了近距离通信系统中的一个子系统,即NFC芯片与SIM卡之间的SWP接口。This artical researched a subsystem about near field communication, named SWP interface between NFC chip and SIM card.

问题在于,NFC广泛应用尚待时日,帮助腹背受敌的商家实现黑色星期五盈利还无从谈起。Unfortunately, NFC will not be widely available for some time—too late to help harried retailers through Black Friday.

NFC技术支持的安全短程通信要求让移动支付销售点切实可行。NFC tech allows the type of secure, short-range communications required to make mobile point-of-sale payments feasible.

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这位分析师还说,荷兰的NXP半导体公司,预计将会向苹果供应NFC芯片和相关硬件。The analyst also said, NXP semiconductor company in Holland, is expected to supply apple NFC chip and related hardware.

NFC技术为消费者提供一种手段来使用他们的移动电话实现类似付账这种功能。NFC is a technology that provides a way for consumers to use their mobile phones for making payments, among other things.

随着近距离通信手机在全球范围内的不断普及,手机票务商机无限。As NFC phone models make their way to other areas of the globe, the opportunities for mobile ticketing increase accordingly.

现在对于行动NFC的关心再度的燃烧、电信业者数家发表在2011年开始服务的计画。There has been a revival in enthusiasm for mobile NFC with a number of operators announcing plans to launch services in 2011.

要实现北美市场的近场通信还需要很多年,但是ATM机的部署人员已经在为这一变化时刻准备着。Ubiquity of NFC in the North American market is still many years down the road, but ATM deployers are preparing for that change.

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我们认为NFC是一场破坏性的完美风暴,它对刚刚起步的公司来讲是一个良好的信号和机遇。"We saw in NFC a perfect storm of disruption, which is always a good sign and a good place for a startup company to be, " he says.

试验结果证明用紫外分光光度计法测定萘磺酸甲醛缩合物含量操作简单,测定迅速,结果准确。The test results proved that the method of determining contents of NFC with the ultraviolet spectrophotometer is quick and accurate.

这个耐用的钥匙配上一个钥匙圈,还包括NFC非接触式技术的用于电脑的USB接口。The rug-ged key-sized device fits on a keychain and includes NFC contactless technology, as well as a USB interface for use with a computer.