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在科幻惊悚片在一个辉煌的开始迷失方向的状态。The science-fiction thriller starts in a state of glorious disorientation.

突然森林走廊消失了,在森林走廊里没有方向感。Suddenly the corridor of forest is gone. In its place is sheer disorientation.

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我承认我感到完全没了方向,没有一丁点旅行带来的兴奋感觉。What I felt was total disorientation along with, I have to admit, no small tinge of excitement.

ECT可能产生短时副作用,包括思维混乱、方向障碍和记忆缺失。ECT may cause some short-term side effects, including confusion, disorientation and memory loss.

在心灵运输试验成功的递增度能减少或排除方向感丧失。Increasing degrees of success on the Teleportation Trial can reduce or eliminate disorientation.

或者耐酸性的鱼比被嗅觉扰乱方向的同伴们繁殖得更快而适应并生存下来?Or can they adapt, with acidity-resistant fish breeding fast enough to replace those lost to olfactory disorientation?

在这一阶段醒来,你会进入惰性睡眠,会昏昏沉沉半个多小时。Waking from this stage results in sleep inertia, that grogginess and disorientation that can last for half an hour or more.

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儿童的空间再定向指的是迷失方向的儿童在空间中重新确定自己方位并找回被藏物体的能力。Childrens spatial reorientation was the ability of reorienting themselves and finding the hidden object after disorientation.

工作的内容是用来帮助犹太人与他们谈话,并帮助他们应付犹太人的冲突和犹太人在火车站迷失方向事情。She was assigned a job to help Jews by talking to them and helping them cope with shock and disorientation at the train station.

网页响应速度越快,用户检索信息的速度也越快,且不容易出现迷路现象,其心理工作负荷也越低。An increase in networking speed would also speed up hypertext information retrieval, reduce users' disorientation and mental workload.

当死亡突然从暗处袭来或抓向我们直至最后一息时,在麻木和迷惑背后的那些东西保留了下来。When death strikes suddenly from the shadows or claws at us until the last breath, those left behind experience numbness and disorientation.

继而,这种状态有时会激起极端保守主义的激烈反抗,导致人口中各阶层产生隔膜,并强化青年人的道德迷失。This, in turn, sometimes provokes an ultra-conservative backlash, dividing the population, and increasing the moral disorientation of the young.

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将神上的迷惑只是喝酒的众多后果之一,另一后果是反社会的行为,还有体质下降。Mental disorientation is but one of the many effects of alcohol consumption. Another is anti-social behavior, and still another is physical deterioration.

当我的非物质文化思想不再起作用时,当它不再能够帮助我认识世界时,我经历一种被称做“文化冲击”的迷惑。When my nonmaterial culture failed me — when it no longer enabled me to make sense out of the world — I experienced disorientation known as culture shock.

古诗英译中存在时空错位,具体体现在语言的内在性和外在性两个方面。In English versions of ancient Chinese poems exists disorientation in time and space, which is specifically embodied in the internal and external features of language.

他们还指出看3D电视节目可能会引起晕动病、深度知觉延迟、方向障碍和“姿态稳定性降低”等问题。They also point out that watching 3D programming might cause motion sickness, lingering depth perception problems, disorientation and “decreased postural stability.”

这张照片的关键是倾斜的地平线,它夸大了人们晕头转向的感觉,并增加了迷失方向和由照片所创造的倒悬的意念。The key to this photograph is the tilted horizon, which exaggerates the feeling of vertigo and adds to the sense of disorientation and suspension that the photo creates.

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这些不明物体现在被鉴明是大量的鸟,它们是在迁徙的途中被光束吸引,搞得迷失了方向。Those unidentified objects have now been identified as birds, pulled from their migratory path and bedazzled by the light in a perfect, poignant storm of avian disorientation.

这些不明物表此刻被鉴明是年夜量的鸟,它们是在迁移的途中被光束吸引,搞得迷失落了标的目标。those unidentified objects have now been identified as birds, pulled from their migratory path and bedazzled by the light in a perfect, poignant storm of avian disorientation.

严重时,低钠血症可导致水中毒——表现为头痛、乏力、恶心、呕吐、尿频以及精神错乱。Severe cases of hyponatremia can lead to water intoxication, an illness whose symptoms include headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, frequent urination and mental disorientation.