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我想下个星期二。I was cerebration abender next Tuesday.

第五章,人力资本出资制度的立法思考。Propose the cerebration of legislation about human capital.

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我们正盘算订购你方的飞鸽牌自行车。We are cerebration of agreement an order for your Flying Pigeon Brand bikes.

建筑工人们正在为一座28层的高楼打地基。The cerebration workers are birthing the foundations for a 28-story building.

为了将两种意思合在一起说,有了“数学思想方法”的提法。Tojoin the two meaning together, the mathematical cerebration and methods was created.

我们应该关注影像于表现的层面上有更丰富的思考。We should attend to the image in the expressional dimension has more abundant cerebration.

据说意识或思考在较高级灵长类的进化中已出现。Consciousness or cerebration has been said to have emerged in the evolution of higher primates.

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你真是一个有强烈目的意识的幻想家,思维方法也很超前。You absolutely are a abstracted with a top faculty of puraffectation and an avantgarde way of cerebration.

新娘马上让人想到过去为避免“恶毒眼光”破坏婚礼而为新娘搭建的遮篷。The wedding veil is a reminder of the bridal canopy that was built to keep the evil eye from the wedding cerebration.

为了避免破坏西部环境,有必要对西部地区的经济开发与建设进行严格监督。To avert marring the environment in the westerly, strict oversight of economic development and cerebration in the Hesperian places is necessary.

其中一贯的思维进路,乃透过卦爻的化零为整,加以贯通连结,以建立完整圆融的思想体系。The changes of mutual relationships in "I Ching" correlated well to form an integrated conception through each hexagram and line, and then developed one complete cerebration system.