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更深入到现实中、更深入到听众中。Deeper into reality and deeper into the hearer.

这些道理在听者思想上产生了作用。These reasons operated on the mind of the hearer.

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他不仅仅是一个听者,还是一个顺服他父意愿的行动者。He was not just a hearer but a doer of his Father's will.

而当这歌声又飘荡回来让他听见时,这快乐又增加了一倍。And the joy is redoubled when this same song is wafted back to him as hearer.

一个听者要知道的是,言说者言论的凭借什么来发表他的言论?。What must a hearer know about a speaker to be entitled to trust his assertions?

这个时候,我有幸得到一位听众。At this time I was blessed with a hearer the like of whom I shall never get again.

这一个声音在听者耳中所产生的效力,简直比丧钟或警钟更为厉害。Never did funeral knell, never did alarm-bell, produce a greater effect on the hearer.

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合理确定和控制介质的饱和压力对相变换热加热炉的经济性有显著影响。This paper studies the effect of saturation pressure to the heat surface of a phase-change hearer.

既然情感的表现是它的目的,那么,关于形式上的缺点就不会使听众听着刺耳。The expression of feeling being the object, these deficiencies in regard to form do not jar on the hearer.

举个例子,当在东部的部分地区讲故事时,听者会问,“我能从中学到什么呢?”For instance, when told a story, in some parts of the East, the hearer will ask, what can I learn from this?

我举此例,意在假定在座听众没有人会误解鄙人所论乃犬儒之言。I take it for granted that no hearer of mine will misinterpret what I have to say as the language of cynicism.

因为听道而不行道的,就像人对着镜子看自己本来的面目。For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass

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语境被看作是说话者和听话者共用的各种知识。Context is regarded as constituted by all kinds of knowledge assumed to be shared by the speaker and the hearer.

在这个句子中,尽管说话者没有提及谁应该做作业,但很清楚是指的听话者。In this sentence, although the speaker did not mention who should do homework, but clearly refers to the hearer.

也就是说,使用这类词的人有自己的私人定义,却让他的听者认为他有很不一样的意思。That is, the person who uses them has his own private definition, but allows his hearer to think he means something quite different.

用你的全心相信这一个,当你将自己谦卑敬虔的献给神的时候,他就听你的祷告。Believe with your whole heart, that just as you present yourself to God as a supplicant, so God presents Himself to you as the Hearer of prayer.

他必须完全为了上帝而传扬祂的信息,还须以同样的精神去接受听者对自己的宣说作出的任何反应。Wholly for the sake of God he should proclaim His Message, and with that same spirit accept whatever response his words may evoke in his hearer.

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言语交际是一个涉及交际主体的双向互动过程,包括说话者的话语选择和听话者对话语的理解。Verbal communication is a bilateral process for participants, which include choice-making on the part of the speaker and interpreting of the hearer.

从语用的角度看,研究指称和指称选择需要同时考虑说话人的意图、听话人的理解、情景语境以及语言本身。Pragmatically, reference is considered hand in hand with speaker"s intention, hearer"s understanding, situational context as well as language itself.

我们所说的话可能具有长期的影响力。我们的建议、恭维,甚至是犀利的批评,可能多年来都一直跟著那位聆听者。The words we say may have long-term consequences. Our comments, our compliments, and even our harsh criticisms may stick with the hearer for decades.