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在俄国,黑金镶嵌制品被称为图拉工艺品。In Russia niello work is known as Tula work.

该炮由图拉机械设计局研制。The gun is supplied by the Instrument Design Bureau in Tula.

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我还清楚地记得从图拉开来了一个旅的坦克。I remember vividly the night a tank brigade from Tula drove up.

周末,佩尔菲利耶夫常常去参观在圣彼得堡和图拉的展览馆。On weekends Parfiliev visited exhibition halls in Saint-Petersburg and Tula.

温得和克附近的卡图拉和科马斯达尔是非洲人聚居的城镇。Windhoek card near Tula and comas Darfur are Africans live in cities and towns.

在图拉看到的微型枪支给这位未来的枪械大师留下了深刻印象。Guns in miniature seen in Tula produced lasting impression on the future gunnery master.

图拉被认为是前哥伦布时期托尔特克的首府,托尔特克则位于今天墨西哥城的北面100公里处。Tula , believed to be the capital of the Toltecs and which was located about 100 km north of present-day Mexico City.

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此巨型矿乃是欧洲最大的石膏矿,位于图拉州地区的新莫斯科斯克市。Such a mine, which is the largest gypsum minefield in Europe, is situated in the city of Novomoskovsk in the Tula region.

保卫白宫的坦克开始让出了一条道,图拉来的坦克旅也开了过来,加入了这场革命。The tanks that had been defending the White House opened a lane and the Tula brigade drove through and joined the revolution.

事实是,没有谁不愿意把自己的办公室搬到那些遍布中关村,气派非凡的、铺着涂蜡地板的写字楼里去。The fact is, who do not have their own office to those found Zhongguancun, the city extraordinary, president Tula floor office going.

构造作用使得岩石中裂隙发育,提高了岩石孔渗性,极大地改善了岩石的储集性能,在有利部位可以形成较好的储层。Modified by tectonics, the clastic rocks became the better reservoir of oil and gas with its high porosity and permeability in Tula Basin.

谢尔普霍夫已经被敌人的一支部队占领,图拉及其著名的、我军不可缺少的兵工厂也处在危险之中。Serpuhov is by now occupied by a detachment of the enemy, and Tula , with its famous arsenal, of such importance to the army, is in danger.

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俄罗斯总理普京近日前往图拉参观当地的一家兵工厂时,竟被该工厂一名工人要走了手腕上的瑞士名表。Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin stunned workers at a weapons factory in Tula when he gave away an expensive Swiss watch to a weapons manufacturing factory worker.