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一幢幢的房子傲然矗立在一度只是破败陋室的地方。White houses prank where once were huts.

全世界都没察觉这场胡闹。The prank went undetected around the world.

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你可能会因为愚人节的一个恶作剧而发笑。You may laugh at a prank on April Fools' Day.

但在底特律的接线调派员们认为这个电话是恶作剧。But the dispatchers thought the call was a prank.

他吹嘘对自己小弟恶作剧的事。He brags about the prank he played on his little brother.

她补充道她的一位兄弟恶作剧的在凌晨五点给她打电话。And, she added, one brother calls her at 5 a.m. as a prank.

我们曾被这样的套索处以私刑,我们曾被这样的套索谋杀。The nooses are no prank. We were lynched, we were murdered.

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麦克马纳曼回忆在96年欧锦赛时发生的一件趣事。McManaman recalls a typical prank during Euro 96 in England.

我们曾被这样的套索处以私刑,我们曾被这样的套索谋杀。The nooses are no prank. We were lynched, we were murdered.

为什么不把制造泡沫的乐事变为一个史诗般的聚会恶作剧呢?Why not turn the fizzy fun into an epic party prank of your own?

罗兰说她收到了很多恶作剧电话和指责。Ms. Luo said she had received prank calls and plenty of criticism.

要么或者他们会认为你是一个令人敬畏的恶作剧。Either that or they'll think you are planning a really awesome prank.

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太好了!一通骚扰电话!够了。我们今晚去住酒店。Great! A prank call! That's it. We're going to stay in a hotel tonight.

也许,麦迪逊首都时报今年应该再制造一起这样的恶作剧。Perhaps the Madison Capital-Times should pull this prank again this year?

这个软件是作弄用你手机的朋友最好的软件。April Fools RAZZ is the best way to prank on your friends using your mobile.

后来我们才发现原来那是我们同去的一个朋友在和我们开玩笑呢。Later on, we found out that it was one of our friends playing a prank on us.

哦!他像在亲尸体。没错,这是史上最好的恶作剧。Ooh! looks like he's kissing a corpse. -Exactly. This is the best prank ever.

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不管在线上还是线下,今天都是恶作剧之日,谷歌也带着一些恶作剧加入了。Today is prank day on and offline, and Google is joining with several hoaxes.

直到这之前,我一直以为是某些少年在跟我搞恶作剧。Up until this point, I had assumed it was some youths playing a prank with me.

宋楚楚恶作剧说比及下次吧,让荣生请他看片子。SongChuChu prank said next time, and let RongSheng ratio please his watch movies.