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周边性病变没有肺叶的发病倾向性。Peripheral lesions have no lobar predilection.

但是,我们国家对惩罚的嗜好已经弄得无法收拾。But our national predilection for punishment has gotten out of hand.

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而欧洲人对于隐私的高要求同样是一个很大的屏障。Then again, Europe's predilection for privacy could still emerge as a big barrier.

这也许能解释为何我会对迷迭香情有独衷,这是因为我妈妈在每个感恩节都会做这道菜。This would explain my predilection for rapine, since my mother serves it every Thanksgiving.

这也许能解释为何我会对迷迭香情有独衷,这是因为我妈妈在每个感恩节都会做这道菜。This would explain my predilection for rapini, since my mother serves it every Thanksgiving.

汗孔瘤是发生于皮肤的良性附属器肿瘤,中年人多见,无性别倾向。Eccrine poroma is a benign adnexal skin tumor seen in middle aged individuals with no sex predilection.

当我想到荷兰人喜好的屋中摆满各种各样的小玩艺,我认为简陋一些倒并非是件坏事。Given the Dutch predilection for stuffing a house full of knickknacks, I decided this was no bad thing.

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不幸地是,尤赞似乎也分享了贝卢斯科尼对黑色交易的某种偏好。Unfortunately, Uzan also appeared to share some of Berlusconi's predilection for shady business practices.

就像猪流感臭名昭著的祖先之一,1918年的那场西班牙流感一样,猪流感更容易光顾年轻人。It seems to have a predilection for young adults, as did its notorious ancestor, the 1918 Spanish influenza.

简而言之,美国必须克制住向世界上任何弊病扔钱的嗜好。The United States simply must curb its predilection for throwing its money at any and all of the world's ills.

新病毒是否以攻击健康个体为主还是偏爱某些疾病患者。Whether the new virus mainly strikes healthy individuals or has a predilection for people with certain diseases.

鉴于中国人对保健食品和草药的偏爱,光明集团并购GNC的行为显得十分合理,然而最终还是不了了之。The GNC deal made a lot of sense for Bright Food, given Chinese people’s predilection for health foods and herbs.

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普洛斯先生伟大先祖在他身上所留下屈指可数留的痕迹包括他明显的臃肿却敦实的身材和对小皮帽的偏爱。L. Prosser of his mighty ancestry were a pronounced stoutness about the tum and a predilection for little fur hats.

政治上的偏好决定了这些行为是否可憎,甚至于是否发生过。Whether such deeds were reprehensible, or even whether they happened, was always decided according to political predilection.

自然,潘克洛夫对自己找到的这个住所是有些偏爱的,可是他也知道必须另外找一个地方。Pencroft, naturally, had some predilection for the retreat which he had discovered, but he well understood that another must be found.

而且很多管理人员在压力下需要加快本公司的资金周转,因此产生了迅速且大规模的裁员行动。Yet many managers are under pressure to turn their firms’ fortunes round fast. Hence the predilection for swift and sizeable lay-offs.

好斗,再加上亲眼目睹赏金猎人的行动,使年轻的德奇永远陷入了暴力生涯。A predilection for aggression, coupled by witnessing bounty hunters in action, forever steered young Durge into a lifetime of violence.

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由于棘阿米巴对神经细胞的强烈趋化效应,可引起相应的角膜神经炎。Because of the predilection of acanthamoeba for responding chemotactically to nural cell, it can produce what appears to be keratoneuritis.

对于如何处置格外偏爱风险资产的地区性银行,德国不能再迟疑不决。Germany must stop dithering over what to do about its Landesbanks – regional institutions that had an unusual predilection for risky assets.

这幅中国早期作品中丝毫没有生硬之处,因为画中特别喜欢使用起伏的线条,这就赋予了整个画面一种运动感。There is nothing rigid in this early Chinese work, because the predilection for undulating lines imparts a sense of movement to the whole picture.