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近年来,网格技术的诞生使得这些问题能够得以解决。The naissance of Grid technology put the axe in the helve.

假名的出现,标志着日本民族文字的诞生。The appearance of Kana marked the naissance of written Japanese.

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这个特殊的突破点就是人类的诞生。This special point of breakthrough is the naissance of human beings.

正是在天下与民族国家的断裂中,知识分子才得以诞生。Intellectual were naissance from the rupture of Tianxia and nation-state.

然后从综合考虑,对艺术品的诞生进行分析。Then, taking one thing with another, it analyses the naissance of artwork.

在此基础上,或许我们应寄希望于一种新的女性身体美学的诞生。On this basis, we may pay our hope on a newly naissance of bodily aesthetics.

十九世纪摄影术的诞生给人类社会带来了巨大的震撼与影响。The naissance of photography in 19th century brings a huge shock and impact to human being.

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唯物史观的诞生过程表现为历史认识论的确立过程。The naissance course of historical materialism in the foundation course of historical epistemology.

第一章主要讲了战后初期德国纳粹的延续和新纳粹的产生。The first chapter is mainly about the continuance of early post-war nazi and the naissance of neo-nazi.

第三部分,介绍恒星的基本观测特征、恒星的诞生和演化规律。The third part, introduce the character of fixed stars, the naissance and the evolvement of fixed stars.

越南高台教自诞生以来,在越南新闻界和思想界曾引发了一场激烈的争论。Since the naissance of Vietnamese Cao-Dai, a vehement dispute has swept Vietnamese press and ideology circles.

它是在人类迫切要求与微观世界和宏观世界取得联系的过程中诞生的。The naissance of music derives from the connection of urgent needs of human beings and microcosm and macrocosm.

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现代投资组合理论的产生以1952年马克维茨提出均值—方差模型为标志。Mean-variance model that Harry M. Markowitz has put forward in 1952 indicates the naissance of modern portfolio theory.

自会计学科诞生以来,会计控制就一直是专家和学者研究的热点。Since the naissance of accounting disciplines, the accounting control is the study hotspot by experts and scholars all long.

自然生态和精神生态双重危机交织所造成的人类存在困境,是生态文学诞生的根源所在。The human"s being-difficulty caused by the dual crisis of nature and human himself is the root of ecological literature"s naissance.

2005年5月常青画廊坐落北京后,注重文化交流的理念一直是被放在首位的。From the naissance of Galleria Continua Beijing in May 2005, the theme of cultural exchange has indeed been at the top of its mandate.

论文分析“铁姑娘”形象所诞生的社会历史背景,同时研究了“铁姑娘”形象的外表特点和其所表达的深刻内涵。The author of thesis analyzed social and history background on naissance of iron girls, appearance and connotation characteristics of iron girls.

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踏板系统并非自钢琴诞生之日起就存在,它经历了从无到有、从简单到复杂的一系列的变革。The pedal system not since day of the piano naissance existence, it experienced from did not to have, from simple arrive complicated a series of change.

自然法发源于古希腊,脱胎于从神话的没落到理性知识诞生的演进过程。Natural law emanates from ancient greece and takes shape in the evolutional process from the decline of mythology to the naissance of rational knowledge.

恢复性司法理念的萌生,主要缘于对传统报复性司法中被害人处境的反思。Reflecting on the scrape of the victims from the perspective of the retributive justice was the accelerating agent of the naissance of restorative justice.