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从本质上来说,它都具有更强的可分析性。It's inherently more analyzable.

结构主义者充分分析语言的梦想破灭了。The structuralist dream of a fully analyzable language is now lost.

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最后的研究,但是,并没有提供可靠的可分析的结果。The last study, however, did not provide reliable analyzable results.

结果10例CPT患者的淋巴细胞培养均获得可分析标本。Results All 10 CPT patients specimen after cell culture were analyzable.

可分析的薄层厚度可以无限小,直至消失。Bed thickness is analyzable until the bed thickness is vanishingly small.

我只想提出一些概念,这些概念自身,还可以进一步分析,变得更加完善。I just want to make concepts which itself is analyzable into more refined concepts.

言语单位的语义信息功能是客观的,可分析的。The function is objective and analyzable. The semantic information of a discourse is of many hiearchies.

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通过应用实例比较分析,证明该算法能生成最小化决策树,并且决策树生成规则切合实际。The comparable and analyzable experiment shows that this algorithm can make a minimize decision tree whose rules are true.

当代西方国际关系理论中的建构主义为上述实况提供了一种新的思维尝试、分析框架与消解困境的方案补充。The theory of constructivism of western international relation offers new tentative ideation, analyzable frame and solution for the above objectivity.

第五,在家庭系统分析方法上,不同成员问观点之差异性是确实存在的,而不适合使用「平均数法」与「差异数法」处理系统资料。In regard to analyzable methods of family system, the variance is between family members, and it is not adaptation to using average method and variance method.

随着社会主义市场经济体制的确立和社会民主化的进程,市民社会日益成为转型期中国的一种全新的分析范畴。With the establishing of market economy, the processing has socialized, the civil society is more and more becoming a completely new analyzable category during the current state.

多量子NMR能得到比寻常NMR方法简单的解析谱,从而增进了研究分子结构和构型的可能性。The techniques have advantages over conventional single quantum NMR method in obtaining simple analyzable spectra which make study of molecular structure and conformation possible.

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本文从认知的角度,对习语的构成及人们对习语的处理方式进行探讨,提出了折中的观点。Proponents of the second view believe that the literal meanings of the constituents do contribute to the overall idiomatic meaning of the idiom, and therefore, idioms are analyzable.

本文运用认知隐喻观着重分析了“可分析显性”习语,发现习语语义并非完全不可预测,隐喻概念为之提供了部分语义理据。From the perspective of cognitive metaphor, idioms are found to be analyzable instead of lack of motivation. Metaphorical concept provides motivation for compositional and transparent idioms.