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克里米亚,金秋时节森林中的瀑布。Autumnwaterfall in the forest of Crimea.

如果他们有美丽的克里米亚为什么还要去那里。Why go there if they have beautiful Crimea.

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改革大堂是克里米亚最大的洞穴。Perestroyka Hall is the largest cave in the Crimea.

许多国家曾谴责俄罗斯占领克里米亚这一行动。Many nations have condemned Russia's takeover of Crimea.

1855年她被任命为克里米亚所有医院的监察员。In 1855 she was made Inspector of all hospitals in the Crimea.

为什么欧美没有试着解放克里米亚和乌克兰东部?Why doesn'tthe US and Europe try tofree Crimea or Eastern Ukraine?

无论是克里米亚还是西伯利亚,这两处的山脉都是非常引人入胜的。Whether it is the Crimea or Siberia, the mountains are always fascinating to look at.

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去年秋季,人们普遍猜测,继格鲁吉亚之后,俄罗斯的下个目标就是克里米亚。Last fall, it was widely speculated that after Georgia, Russia would next target Crimea.

在研究了俄罗斯在克里米亚的冒险之后,中国也许会进入岛屿争执的第二轮。China may move to Round 2 in the Island episode after studying the Russian adventure in Crimea.

但华盛顿只是耸了耸肩,没有做出制裁,就像针对俄罗斯吞并克里米亚所采取的制裁行动那样。But Washington shrugs. There have been no sanctions as there were over Russia's annexation of Crimea.

纳博科夫生在一个无比伟大的俄国自由主义者的家庭,他们于1919年逃离了克里米亚。Nabokov came from a family of almost impossible grandeur, Russian liberals who fled the Crimea in 1919.

中世纪的卡拉米塔堡垒遗址是克里米娜最有意思,最吸引人的地方。Ruins of the Medieval Kalamita fortress is one of the most interesting and absorbing places in the Crimea.

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在克里米亚和乌克兰东部的苏军将能袭击德南方集团军群,并把德军拖住。Soviet Red Army in Crimea and eastern Ukraine attack German Army Group South, and locked Germany in there.

她从克里米亚学到的一点一滴都跃然纸上——每项陈述都论据充分。Every single thing she had learned from t Crimea was there—every statement she made was backed by hard evidence.

在克里米亚的露西亚大使报告,仅仅三分之一的鞑靼人从战斗中回到家乡。The Russian ambassador in the Crimea reported that just a third of the Tatars came back home from this campaign.

曾两度受邀参加乌克兰的基辅音乐节,先后到基辅、柴柯夫和克里米亚演出。In Ukraine she was invited twice to sing in the colourful Tripartite Music Festival of Kiev, Charkhov and Crimea.

曼施坦因在1941年9月受命指挥第11集团军,并接受了攻克可里米亚的任务。Manstein was appointed commander of 11th Army in September 1941, and was given the task of conquering the Crimea.

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黑海舰队“Opuk“的射击场位于克里米亚半岛,这片射击场仅供俄罗斯武装部队使用。The firing ground of the Black Sea Fleet “Opuk” is located in the Crimea and is used only by Russian armed forces.

之前白宫发言人肖恩在周二称特朗普希望俄罗斯将克里米亚归还给乌克兰。This comes after White House Spokesman Sean Spicer said Tuesday Trump expects Russia to hand Crimea back to Ukraine.

司令员的核反应堆已不再被装了乌克兰国营克里米亚发电系统。Varyag no longer has the nuclear reactors that were installed by the ukrainian state-run generating systems of crimea.