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问问这头名叫莫林的宽吻海豚就知道了。Just ask Merlin the bottlenose dolphin.

好的,宽吻海豚可能具侵略性–而且好斗!Well, bottlenose dolphins can be aggressive –and combative!

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宽吻海豚的游戏在马纳洛泻湖,夏威夷。A bottlenose dolphin plays in a lagoon in Waimanalo, Hawaii.

一只宽吻海豚在夏威夷威玛纳诺的泻湖里嬉戏。A bottlenose dolphin plays in a lagoon in Waimanalo, Hawaii.

宽吻海豚通过专用的回声定位系统来跟踪猎物。Bottlenose dolphins track their prey through the expert use of echolocation.

他们在努力救助近200头搁浅的巨头鲸和宽吻海豚。They are trying to save nearly 200 stranded pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins.

六只宽吻海豚正在水中跳跃嬉戏,激起白色的浪花。Six bottlenose dolphins were leaping in and out of the water, stirring up whitecaps.

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过去几周,67具宽吻海豚的尸体被冲上海滩。Sixty-seven bottlenose dolphins have washed up on Gulf beaches over the past few weeks.

宽吻海豚,生活在热带海洋和全球的其他温暖水域之中。Bottlenose dolphins are found in tropical oceans and other warm waters around the globe.

两年了,她都在观察着一条叫“冬天”的受过伤的宽吻海豚如何在水槽里游动。For two years, she’d been watching the injured bottlenose dolphin named Winter swim around the tank.

美国路易斯安那州的一名当地船长在加尔卡修湖拍到了非常罕见的一只粉红瓶鼻海豚的图片。These are the stunning pictures of a rare pink bottlenose dolphin spotted swimming in a Louisiana lake.

宽吻海豚大部分是双性恋的,当然也会有同性恋的时候。Throughout their lives, bottlenose dolphins are mostly bisexual with periods of exclusive homosexuality.

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因此,这只目前还没有名字的小鲸豚拥有四分之一的伪虎鲸血统和四分之三的大西洋宽吻海豚血统。The young as-yet unnamed wholphin is one-fourth false killer whale and three-fourths Atlantic bottlenose dolphin.

例如,有些物种,包括宽吻海豚,似乎会利用同性行为以促进相互关系。For example, several species, including bottlenose dolphins, seem to use same-sex behaviours to promote social bonding.

宽吻海豚以社会群体的形式在海洋里环游,并用一种尖叫和口哨所组成的复杂系统来进行相互之间的信息交流。Bottlenose dolphins travel in social groups and communicate with each other by a complex system of squeaks and whistles.

纪录片制作者们聘请专业潜水者并利用高科技设备拍摄了宽吻海豚与领航鲸遭到屠杀的情景。The makers of the documentary used expert divers and hi-tech gadgets to film the slaughter of bottlenose dolphins and pilot whales.

此外,他们杀的是领航鲸,它们从技术上讲是海豚,但是和它们的表兄弟宽吻海豚长得不大一样。In addition, the fishermen kill pilot whales, which are technically dolphins but aren't as recognizable as their bottlenose cousins.

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1979年四月国家地理杂志出版过一张Iki血海湾的照片,照片中宽吻海豚撒落在海滩上,到处都是。In April 1979 National Geographic magazine published a picture of Iki's bloody cove, showing bottlenose dolphins strewn on the beach.

宽吻海豚和圭亚那海豚是远亲关系,但经常会在哥斯达黎加沿海海域聚会交流。Bottlenose and Guyana dolphins, two distantly related species, often come together to socialise in waters off the coast of Costa Rica.

科学家发现,宽吻海豚有一种奇特的生物特性,该发现也许会为人类带来一种治疗迟发性糖尿病的新方法。Scientists have discovered a biological quirk in bottlenose dolphins that could lead to a treatment for late-onset diabetes in humans.