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传记文学具有两面性。Biographical literature is a bi-lateral fact.

其他科学家补充了传记细节。Other scientists filled in biographical details.

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“石头记”是一本自传体的小说吗?Is the story of the stone an auto biographical novel?

迦特〉里面几乎没有传记资料。There is very little biographical material in the Gathas.

我向红军其他领导人搜集传记材料。I gathered biographical notes from other Red Army leaders.

村里的报纸还刊登了两个小孩的小传。The village paper published biographical sketches of the boys.

村里的报纸还发表了这两个孩子的小传。The village paper published biographical sketches of the two boys.

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请于赐复时附寄布里森登先生照片及小传。Brissenden.Please send by return mail his photograph and biographical data.

年谱的出现为谱学发展开辟了一条新的途径,是史学发展的一个重要方面。Biographical Chronicle opens a new road for the development of family tree study.

“这种传记类作品总是令人着迷,”Margolis说。"There is a real fascination with this kind of biographical work, " said Margolis.

清单文件,其中包含应用程序相关的传记信息The manifest file, which contains the biographical information about the application

梵高在这段时期的作品都是饱含寓意的自传式笔记。All Van Gogh's pictures from this time became biographical notes loaded with meaning.

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这本书是本传记,而且风格不同于她以往抒情与立体派艺术的作品。That book is a straightforward biographical account, unlike her lyrical and cubist works.

在李长之的批评实践中,传记批评分量最重、最具影响。The biographical criticism is the most important part of Li Chang-zhi's literary criticism.

本论文探讨李长之“传记式批评”的批评风格。This paper intends to explore Li Changzhi's criticism style of "the biographical criticism".

沙特是一位多产作家,其作品包括小說、戏剧、散文、传记或哲学論述。Sartre was a prolific writer of novels, dramas, essays, biographical or philosophical essays.

这种比利巴德版包括一个序言,传记,并注意到由詹姆斯甘恩后记。This edition of Billy Budd includes a Foreword, Biographical Note, and Afterword by James Gunn.

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这是我在银幕上见过的对历史人物生平最细致入微的刻画。It’s the most nuanced biographical portrait of a historical figure I’ve ever seen on the screen.

通过这个系统,难民被登记,他们的个人数据被输入数据库。Using the system, refugees were registered and their biographical details entered into a database.

第四部分是传记文学教学的目标,即“立人”。The four-part cent is a biographical literature the target of the teaching, namely "sign a person".