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不过像太阳眷顾下的金盏花。But as the marigold at the sun's eye.

你会把金盏菊和玫瑰花进行比较吗?Do you compare a marigold with a rose flower?

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北美的一种鬼针草属植物,花大。North American bur marigold with large flowers.

像金盏花这类花,在光照下开放。Flowers such as the marigold open on exposure to light.

红茶,金盏花,红花,香柠檬油。Black tea, marigold petals, safflowers, and bergamot oil.

每一款产品中都包含数之不尽的金盏花花瓣。Every kind of product includes uncountable marigold petal.

金盏花中萃取出来的叶黄素是一种很有效的抗氧化物。Xanthophyll from the marigold flower is a potent antioxidant.

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到了中世纪,人们使用万寿菊的花瓣来清洗他们的头发。Middle Age people used marigold petals for rinsing their hair.

金盏花是奉献给南美洲阿兹台克人的一种花。The marigold flower was sacred to the Aztecs of South America.

绿茶,金盏花,橘子皮,矢车菊,玫瑰花瓣,天然香料。Green tea, marigold petals, orange peel, cornflowers, rose petals and.

淘宝旗舰店用了所有山羊奶的产品,这款金盏花的味道是最好的。I use all of Canus goat milk products, and the Marigold scent is the best.

万寿菊为一年生草本植物,含有丰富的叶黄素酯。Microwave-assisted extraction of lutein esters from marigold was investigated.

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万寿菊黄色素是一种营养及食用价值均很高的天然功能性色素。Marigold yellow pigment is a kind of functional pigment that has high edible value.

研究了循环超声技术在万寿菊中叶黄素提取中的应用。The technical factors of the xanthophylls extraction from marigold flower were researched.

互补色蓝色的天空形成的负形平衡了黄色的金盏花The yellow marigold is balanced by the negative space of the complimentary colored blue sky.

叶黄素的制备原料为万寿菊的花,并以叶黄素酯的形式存在。In this study, lutein esters were prepared from marigold flower and then mixed with dietary oil.

研究了从万寿菊干花颗粒中分离皂化叶黄素的生产工艺。The extraction and saponification of lutein from marigold dried flower grains were investigated.

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“金花怒放”是以金盏花为花芯,用银针茶包裹而成的。Jinhua for Marigold flowers are in full bloom movements, with Silver Needle tea from the packages.

色用万寿菊抗病性与栽培环境、栽植时间、栽植方式有关。The resistance of marigold is related to cultivation environment, planting time and planting mode.

万寿菊是现代园林中广泛应用的草本花卉,也是极具利用价值的经济植物。Marigold is the popular flower used in the modern landscaping and also the valuable economic plant.