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他因不诚实而被解职。He was discharged for dishonesty.

他由于不诚实而被开除了。He was discharged for dishonesty.

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我因他不老实而把他辞退了。I parted with him for his dishonesty.

她指责她朋友不诚实。She taxed her friend with dishonesty.

这是彻头彻尾的欺诈行为。It's an act of straight-out dishonesty.

她骂他不诚实。She teed off on him for his dishonesty.

这个商人经常表现得不诚实。The trader is always showing dishonesty.

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时刻反对坑蒙拐骗。Oppose cheating and dishonesty at all time.

这只是个蒙昧的例子并非不敦朴。This is an instance of stupidity not dishonesty.

学术欺骗是诈骗的学术用语。Academic Dishonesty is another term for cheating.

说谎、偷窃、不诚实和残忍都是罪孽。Lying, stealing, dishonesty and cruelty are sins.

不要听他的,他的主意听上去不诚实。Don’t listen to him.His ideas smell of dishonesty.

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这也说明了他的狡猾。It also accounts for his mendacity and dishonesty.

最终,不诚实只会带来麻烦。In the end, dishonesty brings nothing but troubles.

高税收会驱使人们做生意不规矩吗?Does high taxation put a premium on business dishonesty?

这是个科学问题,来不得半点虚假。This is a matter of science, which permits no dishonesty.

科学来不得半点虚伪和骄傲。No dishonesty or conceit whatsoever is permissible in science.

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一些人实际生活中甚至可以达到撒谎时面不改色,心不跳的程度。Some people practice dishonesty and can lie with a straight face.

这种被不诚实笼罩的做法本身就是一个受质疑的阴暗地带。When such practices shade into dishonesty is itself a shady area.

在如此多的欺骗中,诚实时如此的难能可贵。What a precious gift honesty is in the midst of so much dishonesty.