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广西芳香植物极为丰富。Guangxi is rich in aromatic plants.

广西柳工机械股份有限公司。Guangxi Liugong Machinery Co. , Ltd.

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广西唇柱苣苔属一个新种。A new species of Chirita from Guangxi.

毛南族是广西特有的少数民族。Maonan is a peculiar minority to Guangxi.

广东、西、南南部和云南东南部。Guangdong, S Hunnan, Guangxi and SE Yunnan.

六月青在广西分布广泛。Liuyueqing is widely distributed in Guangxi.

2006年我抵达了广西大学读书。Guangxi University, I went to the 2006 study.

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我来自广西壮族自治区。I come from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

仫佬族是广西土著民族。The Mulao is a native nationality in Guangxi.

百色市是广西红色旅游发展的中心。Baise is the center of Red tourism in Guangxi.

我来自北海市的广西省。I come from BeiHai, a city of GuangXi province.

标题广西蜘蛛抱蛋属一新种。A new species of the genus Aspidistra from Guangxi.

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彭先生在广西北海经营一家珍珠公司。Peng runs a pearl company in Beihai, Guangxi Province.

广西苗儿山杜鹃属一新种。A new species of Rhododendron from Miaoershan, Guangxi.

项生金花茶,广西一新的观赏植物。Camellia terminalis, a new ornamental plant from Guangxi.

广西大多数饲料、牧草缺锌。Most feedstuffs and forages in Guangxi were poor in zinc.

欢迎光临广西职业技术学院经贸系网页!Welcome to Economic and Trade Dept of Guangxi Polytechnic!

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嘻嘻。你是哪里的人啊,我是广西桂林的。Hee hee. Where are you people, ah, I was in Guangxi Guilin.

为两广培养了许多新式人才。It educated a lot of new talents for Guangdong and Guangxi.

制作了广西白天全晴的LST平均图。The clear-sky day-time-averaged LST in Guangxi were imaged.